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I want to make native apps but Apple and Microsoft seem to be trying really hard to stop me. I have to buy developer accounts, buy certificates for signing binaries, share 30% of my revenue with them for barely any reason and so on. Not to mention the mess they've introduced in their APIs - especially Microsoft. So of course we choose the much simpler, much cheaper way of the web.

> I have to buy developer accounts

The Apple Developer Program is only needed for macOS if you want to do sign your binaries or distribute through the Mac App Store. And you only have to pay Microsoft if you want to publish to the Microsoft Store (or use Visual Studio if you're a company that has more than 5 Visual Studio users, more than 250 computers, or more than $1 Million USD in annual revenue).

> buy certificates for signing binaries

Fair (though both Windows and macOS will run apps that haven't been signed, with more warnings of course).

> share 30% of my revenue with them for barely any reason

Only if you use their stores (Mac App Store or Microsoft Store), and it looks like the Microsoft Store won't take any cut if you do your own payments and it's not a game.

If you don't sign your binaries on macOS, the friction for the user to run your app is prohibitive, outside of developer-focused communities.

Yes, it definitely adds quite a bit of friction. Though my other points about not needing to pay for the Apple Developer Program unless you want to codesign (at a much lower price than what you pay for a codesigning certificate suitable for signing Windows programs) and not having to pay Apple 30% (or 15%, or anything) on macOS still stand.

Your point doesn't really stand, no.

Your solution solves a made up problem that nobody cares about, and doesn't solve the one that actually matters, which is to successfully make and distribute good software to users.

Someone shouldn't have to add the the fine print line "Assume I am talking about things that matter, instead of things that don't" to every statement or opinion that they have.

It didn’t take my kids long to learn how to run unsigned binaries, and neither of them are developers.

I've walked a couple hundred customers (American small business owners) through installing an unsigned MacOS application.There was plenty of friction for enough of them to cause us onboarding problems and for us to invest in doing it the Apple way.

A lot of it introduced from 2017 onwards and I think now it says something akin to "this application will hack your computer and is a virus" and you need to click the smaller hidden "ignore"s a few times to do what you want.

An actual customer won’t like it when you tell them they have to turn off or bypass a security feature to run your software. Not when other software doesn’t need it.

Once I get a project to "actual customers" I don't mind paying and signing my binaries.

How about "actual users" rather than "actual customers?" We should not normalize this because it eats away at free software. It is totally unreasonable to have to pay the operating system's manufacturer in order for person A to simply distribute software to person B, outside of manufacturer's infrastructure. The manufacturer has nothing to do with that distribution, and has no business "warning" the user about this software.

As much as I hate to submit to Apple having to Notarized my software, I have to admit that it’s a useful measure to detect and prevent malware. The end user is protected by Apple’s “Good Housekeeping” seal of approval.

Funny, I've never once in all my days installed malware from a Linux package manager, and this "seal of approval" doesn't cost me or the developer any money at all.

That’s because your computer is a hobby, and mine is a business. My customers use Windows and macOS. They have happily paid for my house, my car and my retirement. :o)

If you want to justify rent-seeking because it helps you pay for your lifestyle, come out and say so in the first place instead of pretending it's for the benefit of your users. But claiming that Linux is a "hobby" on HN is essentially trolling.

You don’t have to pay to do that on MacOS, they can bypass the warning saying it’s unsigned and that the developer can’t be positively identified.

Apple should really provide free codesigning for free/open source software.

(almost) everyone has an SSL certificate for the web. An OS could check if software is signed with one. And maybe display a warning for only domain validation.

What does software being signed signify? Does it mean it's vetted? Can a malware author pay the $X and have their malware signed?

No, Apple will detect and suppress malware as part of the vetting process.

Ah, so they do vet? I didn't realize, thanks.

This is something that definitely chafes. Even in a large-company enterprise environment, so many worthy & legitimate projects never end up shipping due to financial or office-politics reasons. Putting up paywalls between devs and their work that they to spend both time and money on is bloody stupid.

yet. everyone knows kids are good with getting around restrictions on computers, whether put there by their parents or otherwise.

kids will learn just about anything with the right motivation. adults who you are trying to get to pay you to use your software on the other hand...

well as someone who runs a few unsigned binaries myself. Its not hard if you know what to do but apple makes a big deal about how its "unsafe" and this freaks non tech people out.

Yes, but your kids have a technical parent, so chances are they both have significantly above-average intelligence.

I technically have two parents. How far up the smarts pole am I?

I should've said 'techie' parent. I assume most people knew what I meant.

I answer a support line for users at my institution installing an unsigned application and almost every MacOS support call is because the unsigned app option is only shown in a normally hidden system setting.

And if you don't sign your binaries on Windows, Windows Defender will assume they're malware and silently delete them.

That statement is just not true. We don't sign our software and we never had that happen with any customer. It neither happened to any unsigned software on any of my own machines, in spite of running Defender on them.

Nah, much more common that "SmartScreen" will assume they're malware and throw up a big warning prompt (which the user will say "can't be bypassed" because they didn't click "More info").

Nope. Or at least, never happened to me. This comment section is starting to read like a "Bad Times" virus warning


And having re-read "Bad Times" for the first time in years, the "screw-up your VHS tracking" is a testament to its age.

"...translate your documents into Swahili, make your TV record Gigli, neuter your pets and give your laundry static cling."


Seriously, though, I've had the Windows Defender thing happen to freshly compiled binaries I made. The only way to prevent it from happening is to sign your binaries, or submit them individually to Microsoft using your Microsoft account for malware analysis.

It flagged the binary as being some sort of trojan (which name I looked up and found that it was a Windows Defender designation for "I don't know the provenance of this binary so I'm going to assume it's bad") and quarantined it.

I’m not sure what is “prohibitive” about pressing literally one button.

There are a bunch of words around the button. If you read them, they make you not want to press the button.

If it is a company laptop, it can be impossible (unless you sort of hack it to circumvent the security settings they put).

It's often not just one button. It's a button, then opening the settings, manually navigating to the right section, clicking Open Anyway and then entering your password.

On macOS? One button?

One of the reasons I moved to Javascript web development after many years as C/C++ dev, and after the hell of making iphone apps for Apples appstore - you dont have to get a licence, get approval or make an installer, if you ship a web 'app'.

With the added bonus of being available to users across platforms.

You don’t have to do any of that for native apps either.

What on earth is happening in this comment section?

I think on macOS it's kinda a requirement, even if you ship outside of the AppStore, to be trusted by consumers. Because I think the app needs to be signed by Apple, in order to start the app without a warning and I think in order for Apple to perform the signing, you'd need a developer account.

I might be wrong here as I have been focused pretty much only on mobile, so feel free to correct me.

True. Apple devices are a lost cause for me, I don't even consider supporting them in my software. It doesn't even come up as an option in my head, I forget it exists. I'd never willfully have anything to do with their ecosystem, whether desktop or mobile. I wonder if eventually people like me refusing to support them will actually make a difference and force them to change, or if enough people will just continue to bow down to them and do what it takes to be on their devices that they can just keep their horrible practices going.

It’s a warning once that stops happening when you approve it. It’s not a big deal. Also happens on windows.

That is correct.

People aren't ignoring Apple hard enough. Why americans bother with it is way beyond me.

I find it inexplicable when people respond to a particular problem with a suggestion on which large platform/ecosystem someone should use instead, or avoid.

Switching ecosystems is nowhere near that trivial.

Ecosystem choices are dependent on content and tool investments, other devices owned, product groups, integrated technologies, network effects between people, between companies, customer relationships, existing phone payments, existing ecosystem familiarity and skills, on and on.

As for developers, they often need to be on the top 2-3 platforms to be a serious choice for customers.

Nothing wrong with highlighting different pros and cons of different ecosystems.

But a suggestion to switch ecosystems, without a very deep understanding of someone's particular situation, just isn't helpful advice.

I'd go further and state that "ecosystems" are evil as they erode competition. It should be easy to change products independently of each other, e.g. I should be free to choose between Apple iCloud or Google Photos for storing my photo library. Instead I'm forced to experience what you already mentioned: integration preferences on different platforms, network effects and so on.

Only direct product properties should drive users' choices, everything else just raises the market entry barrier for potential competitors.

"Ecosystems" certainly are a real problem, although I think calling them "evil" is a bit far. What they are is a way for companies to create an artificial moat, and artificial moats are very bad things.

Yeah, the only actual hurdle from Apple is the measly 8 bucks a month for a developer account. I would happily pay ten times that amount just to avoid the node_modules dumpster fire

And the hardware around it, that needs to be updated and managed.

To be blunt, you do not have to create a developer account, sign binaries, or share 30% of your revenue with Microsoft. MS's API are not a mess in my opinion. You do have several options (traditional Win32, .NET, UWP, etc.). These options all work fairly well and are very flexible.

As for, Apple, I do not know but I suspect you can make Mac applications without a developer account. You need a developer account for iPhone. It's $99 a year the last time I looked. This is not a lot of money if you are serious about making an application.

If you don't sign your Windows installer, then the first N users to use it will get a scary pop-up message saying that the AV "protected your PC." I think you might also need do code-signing if you distribute through the MS store.

Compare with the web where LetsEncrypt just works without demanding a king's ransom.

As for the APIs, it is very easy to get into dependency hell between all the different UI technologies, .NET implementations, and target systems. Want to develop a brand new plain-old GUI app? Probably simple (although I've never tried, the web is right there). Need to develop a plugin for an existing application, or a new app for something like Hololens? Have fun.

It's a bit worse with windows. You can get a scary warning or you can get smartscreened to death and the app will be prevented from starting. This is random / depending on functionality and effectively impossible to test with 100% certainty.

> This is not a lot of money

It is a lot of money when you consider it should be free and serves exactly no purpose.

It serves a purpose: Keeping those out who can't afford it. They just can't say it out loud for obvious reasons.

> This is not a lot of money if you are serious about making an application.

Maybe not for you.


Set up CC processing on the web:

How much are you going to pay stripe? 2.9% + 30¢ ... that means you have to charge 10 bucks to get down to a 6% transaction fee. Quite the price floor and an interesting cap on your pricing model!

What does managing chargebacks cost you? The moment your taking money your going to hire in customer service, or spend time dealing with CS. What happens when you get a chargeback, or do a refund? Most of the time you loose money (processing fees etc)

If your under a million bucks a year apple is 15%. If you're building a low price app or a value add app, odds are that apple is going to be a far better deal for you than doing it on your own.

$10 = 6% fee; $5 = 8% fee. Both of which are far better than apple’s fees, so that point is a bit confusing.

Chargebacks = customer support. I agree with that, but if you have a B2C business which has any non-trivial revenue (OP is talking about word doc apps, so we’re obviously not talking about indie $2 side project apps), then you would already have CS anyway. I fully understand there is an opportunity cost with any service and where those costs get realized, but your examples don’t seem like a slam dunk in apple’s favor.

>> then you would already have CS anyway

Would you? Because I would argue that CC processing is the point where you NEED near real time CS. Before that handling customer issues can be done better through forums, and you're going to get a lot of self service support from those.

>> (OP is talking about word doc apps, so we’re obviously not talking about indie $2 side project apps)

Your competing with free, libra office, Zoho writer (shockingly popular)... I would not know how to price the product to compete... 2 bucks a month as a trial? Would I pay 10 bucks a year if you were great? IF you got said productivity app past 100k users, getting to a million isnt a stretch (you have velocity and popularity).

Unless your doing something really slimy, your going to be able to get a better rate out of apple if you ask your rep.

5% of my support has to do with payments and it's all about refunds.

Everybody pays for stuff online

Even when using Stripe (which is a premium payment service that's more expensive than most options) you'd be better off than the 15% from Apple as long as you sell for more than $2.5. And that's not even counting the up from cost that come with Apple (subscription + the need to buy a Mac).

How is chargeback being managed on Apple? I doubt they are swallowing the cost on their side, so I don't really see the difference between what'd get with a bank: you're losing the money anyway.

At 5 bucks a customer, you need 200k new ones a year to break a million bucks.

TO break even with apple you have about 80k a year all in cost to deal with all your refunds and charge backs.... after taxes, insurance and overhead that's 40-60k take home for a CS agent.

What is the charge back rate on digital goods? Im going to tell you that if your a small player it will be WAY higher than apple. Apple will cut a consumer off if they have a high refund rate, your CS agent will have no such insight.

%5-10 of your charges will just turn into refunds. Is that a process where you're killing license keys? Oh did you forget you now have infrastructure to run to issue and maintain said key? What is that going to cost you? Dont want to run like that... well ok then expect your return rate to go even higher. That discount CC processor is going to look at your refund and charge back rate and jack your fees up sky high (because that's the name of the game).

Once you get past a million bucks the open question is "do I do enough business to negotiate with apple". IN the case of a dry business oriented app, that has enough popularity to make that much, you might see apple willing to negotiate with you much sooner than a game dev who has sneaky buy options and huge charge back rates.

Chargebacks are a pain but are not that frequent. You need to make a way to refund your product easily discoverable because customers go unpunished.

You can use chargeback protection on stripe or use a different payment provider which absorb the 15$ fee for chargebacks

> At 5 bucks a customer, you need 200k new ones a year to break a million bucks.

But at $5 per user Apple is already much more expensive below the million threshold. It gets worse after a million, but it's already costing you tens of thousands before that. And again, you are comparing with one of the most expensive option on the market!

> after taxes, insurance and overhead that's 40-60k take home for a CS agent

Which, almost anywhere in the world, is more than you need to hire someone full time to work on your customer support! And no, what Apple provides is definitely not superior to a full time consumer support person.

The “value” that you pay for when dealing with Apple is access to their walled-off user base.

> the open question is "do I do enough business to negotiate with apple

This isn't an “open question”, it's a closed one: Apple isn't going to talk to you unless they think not giving you special treatment would get them antitrust issues. In your case or mine, it's not gonna happen.

Does Apple charge 15% for each dollar up to a million plus 30% for each dollar above a million, or when you cross a million (in a year), do they suddenly jump to 30% of everything? IOW, if I have earned $999,999 so far this year, I have to pay Apple about $150,000. If I then make another $1 sale, do I owe a few cents more or another $150,000?

And once your rate goes to 30%, does it stay there the following year, or does the whole system reset to zero each year?


You’d owe the few extra cents.

You stay at 30% if annual proceeds continue to hit $1M/year. If not, you requalify for 15%.

15 percent on the first million in a year 30% for everything after.

Subscriptions are 15% for renewals (and maybe for all subs).

If your pulling in more than a few million a year from apple, and your not "gaming" or gaming the system I hear they are fairly open to negotiate. YMMV

Dealing with Apple is a tax as well though.

How do you calculate a price for not being able to release your main product? Usually without clear indications of what exact interpretation of a rule you are breaking...

We've had delays of a week because of things like we mentioned "Android" in an integration setting that had been there for years.

The cheapest in my country is 7 cent per transaction, the most popular is 25 cents. We also don't do claw-backs.

> apple is going to be a far better deal


Your math seems to show the exact opposite.

Do any of these problems go away when you sell in the walled garden?

whenever I do native (native as in, compiled without going through some bytecode / VM / interpreter ...) apps for mac / windows / linux I don't have to do any of this, I just use Qt

But then you have to use c++ or Python, and figure out a good way to ship 10 dlls

I ship apps that statically link against Qt, but even if I didn't it's not like "shipping DLLs" wasn't a solved problem two decades ago

You can static-link in all of Qt. Just build Qt yourself. It can strip out all the things you don't need, even symbols from the libraries you do use, so your binary isn't going to be that big.

I do not think it is possible to have a commercial application, you have to pay Qt’s license.

You can statically link Qt in compliance with the LGPL. The LGPL only requires that users are able to substitute the LGPL'd portion of an application with an alternative and compatible implementation.

Using a shared object/DLL is the traditional way of doing so, but you can also accomplish this by providing the object files for your application to allow users to link their own substitutions statically.

The FSF explicitly permits this as documented here:


Nah. But do it.

You just have to open your source, that part which depends on Qt. It's not a real problem. But get a commercial license anyway, the cost is small compared to the other costs of developing your program, and you want to be friends with them.

(There's someone on HN who lives on a single-line modification of an open source program. Trust me, source availability of the source code of your client app won't really make a difference.)

> There's someone on HN who lives on a single-line modification of an open source program

Now I want to know more about this :-)

He's a nice guy. If you want your company to buy his product, you send your boss a link to the product's home page (which doesn't say "open source") and tell your boss that this product is great. Your boss looks at the pricing and description, and says ok.

I do as well. I program everything in C++ with Qt 6 (commercial license), compile statically where convenient, and use a single code base for all platforms (mobile, desktop, web). I handle the responsiveness of interfaces, DPI, and other micro-adjustments directly in a simple QML template.

I use Qt, and I have to get my binary Notarized by Apple.

What about code signing. Won't people that run your programs want to do so without the OS claiming it will harm their computer?

Devil's advocate: you now get a lot of tooling for 'free', which used to cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Counter offer: the tooling is ultimately for their benefit. They need the apps to make their platform what it is.

They ultimately need money, not apps or platforms, so this is exactly how they achieve that ultimate benefit, no top-level logic will just justify free here

>no top-level logic will just justify free here

Not true. The technical term for "ultimately need money" is discounted future cash flow. It is impossible to know for sure what price you have to charge for any particular item at any given time in order to optimise for this metric.

Realistically, the answer depends on the state of competition between platforms. We all know what that state is.

> It is impossible to know

so it is true, you can't provide any top-level logic to justify 0, you need some facts

If "top level logic" is supposed to mean "analytic statements" then you are right. The optimal price cannot be derived analytically.

As this is such a pointlessly contrived interpretation of the term "logic" in this context, I chose to use a different one: Is there a set of empirical circumstances under which an optimisation algorithm could conclude that the optimal price is zero? The answer to that is clearly yes.

Top level logic is supposed to mean the logic the comment I'm responding to uses to justify free. You know, "in this context". And I'm not talking about "optimal", just a single price of 0

Now, what exactly is the point of you insisting on your wrong interpretation?

I mean by that logic, no top level logic will justify a cut of all revenue.

They want to be feudal lords, requiring us to pay a tithing for the privilege of selling something to customers.

you're right, no top level logic would help you settle on any specific price, hence you need to engage with actual reality instead of simply noticing one party that benefits while ignoring the other that also "ultimately benefits" and "needs the platform to run apps on".

You, of course, want to be their feudal lord and get access to all their customers by right while also requiring them to pay a tithing of their hardware sales to you since you advance "their ultimate benefit" (they wouldn't sell any hardware without software)

> You, of course, want to be their feudal lord and get access to all their customers by right

If someone buys an iPhone, Apple does not have the right to interpose themselves between that person and what they want to do with the iphone they bought. They have no right to a cut of the sales any more than the power company that provided the electrons to charge the battery.

What I want is for Apple to get out of the way.

> while also requiring them to pay a tithing of their hardware sales to you since you advance

What I want them to do, for a start, is to the same thing on ios that they already do on macos. I can already write a piece of software an sell it without forking 30% over to Apple.

The current situation where they feel entitled to a cut of every software sale that happens on ios, and veto power over it, is a wet dream that even Microsoft in the 90s wouldn't have thought they'd get away with.

Yeah that doesn't quite work. I agree that the cost of tooling has gone to nearly zero in most cases, but not giving it away will limit the people willing to even try to develop code for your platform.

Microsoft charged ~$1000 a seat for Visual Studio and at the same time they had an effective monopoly eventually leading to United States v. Microsoft Corp.

But for things like Apple notarization, you don't get the choice of not using the tooling. Besides, that transition already happened with the popularization of Free/Open software, somewhere in the early 2000s.

The problem with this argument is that the tools for proprietary platforms are inferior to the cross-platform ones in many cases. VSCode is better than XCode or Android Studio. GCC and Clang are better than MSVC. We don't need platform lock-in to subsidize good tools because the best tools are unencumbered.

I'd happily build iOS apps without XCode or any of Apple's frameworks to save the 30% fee. Heck, I'd do it even if I still had to pay the 30%, I hate being forced to use XCode.

I don’t use Xcode, I develop in vim. You can run the deploy/signing step on the cli without launching Xcode.

> VSCode is better than XCode or Android Studio

That’s just your opinion though isn’t it

That's just an opinion. Not only his. It's shared by many.

"This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

My opinion is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my opinion is useless. Without my opinion, I am useless."

One off few hundred or few thousands is nothing in comparison to 30% tax.

That said, I don't know about Mac, but you can build apps using free tools - maybe in not as convenient way, but certainly you can.

I remember, because I was someone who couldn't afford Visual Studio licence and had to make do with GNU tools.

The greed of these companies put me off from developing anything.

In the early 90s, you could expect to pay anywhere from $200–1000 for a good C/C++ compiler. Now it’s free. The 30% tax, as many people have already pointed out, is only if you want to sell through the store. Back in the 90s, if you were selling software, downloading off the net wasn’t really a thing yet and you could easily expect to end up giving up 40–60% of the retail sales price and out of what was left you were paying for manufacturing of product so you’d maybe get 20–40% of the retail sales price.

Which leaves the certificate thing and while it’s an annoyance, it’s also nice as a software user to know that a program I’m running is the program it claims to be without much friction on my part, and the cost can’t be that prohibitive since I don’t remember the last time I ended up with an unsigned binary on my Mac, even for free software like TeX and friends or Aquamacs.

It’s free because of free software, not because of platforms that used to sell these tools.

> and the cost can’t be that prohibitive since I don’t remember the last time I ended up with an unsigned binary on my Mac, even for free software like TeX and friends or Aquamacs.

Ok, so your app tastes aren't that varied then (or maybe it's the memory), plenty of devs of various little utilities don't bother paying

It's 15% for almost all developers, not 30%.

A distinction without a difference

It's a 50% difference.

It’s a 100% difference (;

ICT departments in many large companies often force dev teams to use certain tools, because it's what's on their list of 'approved tools for devs'. Getting new tools on this list is often stonewalled for usually office-politics reasons.

Sometimes devs are locked into the tools they use. This situation is shit, but not uncommon.

On which platform? On Apple's there cost is part of the premium you pay for the device. Cheapest Mac is $599. Cheapest windows machine is $199? $99. So arguably some of tbat $400-500 is for the extra software. Or would compare against Linux where you could also get a machine for $25

You don't have to buy a brand new Mac.

Older M1 devices which are still very fast are available for much cheaper.

"Much cheaper" is still very relative. I got a second hand 8GB M1 MBP last year for $900, as is the standard price in my region. The cheapest M2 Air brand new retails for ~$1200. Meanwhile I've just ordered a new non-mac machine with up to 5GHz boost and 32GB RAM for a whopping... $1000, including extended warranty and delivery fee.

Apple certificates are cheap compared to Microsoft. To get rid of UAC on Windows you have to buy certificate for thousands of dollars.

I don't think you "get rid of" UAC, you just put the author's name on the screen instead of unknown publisher. (And why do you need elevated privilege? Most applications don't) unless you are referring to "smart screen" which is a very different thing, although quite similar from a user's perspective.

yeah and consequently users have been trained to ignore UAC warnings or just disable them as irritants.

> share 30% of my revenue with them for barely any reason

Does the App Store collect sales tax and remit on your behalf? If it does then I think it's worth it or face registering both in the EU and UK ($0 tax threshold) as well as 50 US states (once you hit the allowed limit) will take you a long time.

30% cut for handling taxes? That's wild.

You'd think so until you look into doing it yourself. It's more work than building a simple app.

And you'd thinking would reverse again to the common sense baseline when you realize that alternative providers outside of locked systems don't charge 30%

Can you name a provider? I personally use Stripe Tax for my business and while they will calculate the taxes you owe in each municipality it is totally on you to create an account with each country/state's Department of Revenue and fill out a form quarterly to submit your payments.

This paperwork is what I believe a marketplace like the App Store or Amazon do for you under their own entity that you have to do yourself if you bypass their stores.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

You could consider using Galvix, which will connect with your billing system (including Stripe), fetch all the invoices and automatically prepare and file sales tax returns across each of the US states where you are legally required to file, all while providing you full control and visibility over the process. Galvix charges a flat fee of $75 per filed return, which can be considerably more affordable compared to paying a revenue share to other platforms (if tax compliance is the only reason you want to use these platforms).

Disclosure: I am a co-founder of Galvix.

What's wrong with your Amazon example? They don't charge as much (and that's partially because, while they're big and dominant, they're still not as big/dominant in that market)

It's 15% for most developers. And it's for a lot more than just handling taxes.

If you live in the US the only entity you need to collect sales tax for is the state you live in. Despite what they may say you are under no legal obligation to collect sales tax for the other 49 states, nor the EU or UK.

I'm pretty sure that was changed by South Dakota v. Wayfair[0]. Most states seem to only require you collect the tax if you have 200 shipments into the state or $100k in revenue because going after a small time out of state e-commerce business over a few dollars of tax probably wouldn't be worth it but a large firm in Delaware refusing to collect tax on shipments into California would probably be hearing from California's government.

If you're shipping overseas, you can probably ignore foreign taxes if you don't have a business nexus there. Especially if you have no desire to ever visit those countries. Basically just leave it up to your customers to pay whatever tax they owe.

[0]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Dakota_v._Wayfair,_Inc.

> Every company selling goods and services to European customers needs to collect value-added tax (VAT), even if their business is not established in Europe.


> Enforcement of judgments issued by foreign courts in the United States is governed by the laws of the states. Enforcement cannot be accomplished by means of letters rogatory in the United States. Under U.S. law, an individual seeking to enforce a foreign judgment, decree or order in this country must file suit before a competent court. The court will determine whether to recognize and enforce the foreign judgment.

Obviously, its not a good idea to bet your business on the courts not enforcing an EU fine when you can just add the VAT and cost of the handling hassle to the price for EU customers.


The operating idea from governments is that in the digital age, when you sell something to a customer abroad, you're selling to them on their turf and not yours. That's why you're considered liable for sales tax in the first place. Doesn't matter that your own country of residence may or may not care. For all intents and purposes it's as if you physically flew to the country and hand-delivered your software/product to your customer.

It's clearly an awful "patch" to outdated concepts on how commerce works compared to pre-internet, but it's what we have right now.

> Obviously, its not a good idea to bet your business on the courts not enforcing an EU fine

Right. Plus it might hinder your ability to travel freely in those jurisdictions as well which I'd like to avoid.

I work at a place that ships an app to both Apple and Microsoft Desktops (we could even do Linux is there was ever any demand for it). We use this old thing called Java which still seems to work. I don't develop it though so I guess I don't have to worry about too much of my resume getting caught up with unfashionable languages (let's face the facts about what most tech these days is trying to advance - promotions - not the state of the art).

Java apps are not native on either macOS or Windows.

Nor Linux.

The only Java desktop app I've ever used (on any platform) without frustration was Slay the Spire, and it only passes because it's a game and doesn't require desktop integration of any kind.

I hear Minecraft is popular.

I use JDownloader sometimes, it's totally fine. Weka is bad, but not worse than other academic apps.

Slay the spire is built using libGDX which provides a lot of cross platform support on top of Java. For platforms like Switch without JVM support it probably ships a compiled version without JIT.

Matlab is a java app. I used it on both windows and linux without any complaints.

OP is obviously talking about mobile apps.

Yeah, that Microsoft App Store on mobile is a b**h.

It's a bit of a shame they abandoned it with Windows Phone, but you can see why developers don't want three completely different mobile targets.

The native world also refuses to create a standard UI API, making everyone use either Qt or Electron because sorry writing it over again for each platform is a hard “no.” Not even big companies do that anymore.

Yes. Not only are they refusing (and have been for decades) to create a standard UI API, they are 1. actively making their own UI APIs as different as possible from one another, even down to requiring different programming languages to use them, and 2. killing things that they once supported, which ease cross-platform code (both major platforms walking away from OpenGL in favor of their incompatible native APIs).

Not only that. There are people who go to great lengths to make sure that native apps don't work properly across desktop environments even on the same OS. They also call out anyone who dares to complain about it.

Why would platform maintainers want to encourage the lowest common denominator apps that such an API would undoubtedly result in (as a standardized UI API by definition cannot leverage platform strengths)?

Apps like that get made anyway but as it stands at least there’s a healthy crop of smaller/indie native alternatives which often best the behemoths in UI/UX. That would likely disappear with the addition of a standardized UI API, as it would probably also come with the abandonment of the old specialized APIs.

They are already doing that. Everyone uses Electron now. A good common API would lead to much better results.

Platform maintainers (Apple, Microsoft, etc) already do this by being on web standards panels. ;P

You can't use Qt?

Qt licensing is its own mess. For commercial software, the pricing is 350-500$ per developer, per month. Seriously [1]. The company that now owns the framework doesn't seem to acknowledge the gap between big enterprises and solo developers/smaller teams.

[1] Yes, one can use Qt for commercial software without buying a license (as long as it is dynamically linked), but their marketing does everything it can to hide that fact. Also, the newer additions to Qt do not fall in this category – for those, you have to pay.


Here are the most commonly used options:

- Go LGPL. Sure, you will need to ship binaries and libs, but there are tools within the SDK that do this automatically for you (windeployqt, macdeployqt, etc.). And as others have stated, it is a problem that was solved years ago.

- Go Commercial to link statically. If you are a single developer, there is an annual license available for $499 (up to $100k yearly revenue).

It always shocks me developers complain so much about QT licensing. For any other business, an expense that small for so much value seems trivial. Without a decent UI software is a terrible for experience for most users.

Imagine that, having to pay for the tools one has to use for their work, what an abuse.

Having to pay a monthly fee in perpetuity in order to distribute an application is absolutely egregious.

The fee is for selling someone else's software. I personally despise capitalism, but your complaint about it is among the least convincing ones I have ever heard.

That is 4,200-6,000 $/yr. In the US, a junior developer in a software company costs (all-inclusive, not just salary) around 150,000-200,000 $/yr. That is 2-4% of yearly cost on tooling. That is not very much.

It might not be worth the price, but that is hardly ridiculous. It is quite believable to get a 4% productivity improvement from appropriate tooling. You need to do a cost-benefit analysis to determine the answer to that question.

No they'd rather spend weeks to reimplement scrolling.

Lol scrolling on qt is worse than on the web. I mean, you can use normal scrolling super easily on both (you don't have to do anything, and it just works). But truly custom scrolling is much harder on qt than web. In a way that's a good thing, but again, the default is just as easy on the web as it is on QT. Plus you don't have to deal with the qtquick/qtwidgets/etc thing and the non open source parts of qt

I have to use for work a software that is implemented in electron.

I think less than 1% of the users use it on mobile, but it's designed as a mobile interface.

To scroll you need to click and drag, or you need to click 5px buttons. Regular mouse scroll doesn't work.

Because subverting users' expectations about scrolling is the step 0 of efficient software. /s

That's why I said it might be a good thing. My main point was that it's just as easy on the web for standard scrolling. But even if you don't want standard scroll behavior, it's still easier. There's nothing easier to do on qt than on web. Compare a qtgraphicsview or qt3dcanvas to a webgl canvas and again, it's fighting against the framework versus stuff just working. Now sure qt is much better for tons of other stuff, but I just found it weird that the comment I was replying to mentioned wasting time on customizing stuff as being the downside of web apps, as if it's not a much more difficult task to do in qt.

You remind me when microsoft was claiming that bash was hard and as example did some crazy obfuscated bash scripts, rather than just doing them the sane way.

If you're doing a GUI, you have no reason to be doing canvas manually.

What? Even with QT you often have to use a painter and draw what you want more or less. You also need a canvas to display anything that is visualisation related. In any case it doesn't matter, as I said, scrolling is just as easy on the web as it is on QT. my point was more general, if you want to do anything custom it's easier to do in JS than with QT. Even using the multiple tools QT offers to customize the view (the painters, canvases, 3d widgets, etc)

You're just showing me you've never dune as much as an hello world using QT. Which is completely fine, but don't paint yourself as knowing what you're talking about.

That isn't true. Are you really saying that qt is easier to customize than a plain JS/HTML UI? Seriously?

You will still be in binary sign hell and Windows Defender may wake up one day and decide your app is a virus "when it does X", which is exactly it's business case. Complaining to MS will do nothing since their online thing will check and not find anything. Boom, entire software business gone for reason out of control. Doesn't care about your signed certificate too.

I’ve always been curious if this counts as decimation, espionage or antitrust?

That's why the only way to develop software is to provide URL for login. MS desktops are usually too locked down to install anything.

You don’t have to do any of that for a native Mac app. Signing it is a good idea but not required and you can distribute it from your own website or even from GitHub/Lab where you can tell people it’s not notarized and they’ll need to command click and open it the first time.

In my opinion, this will become harder and harder to do with every release of Windows and MacOS. I wouldn't count on the average customer of these vendors being willing to shop outside of their plaatform's app stores forever.

Does a sizable portion of people shop for apps in the Microsoft or MacOS App Store? I was under the impression that neither are very popular.

> tell people it’s not notarized and they’ll need to command click and open it the first time.

That's not realistic for Apple users who are used to ergonomic software. It's not technically required to notarize, but practically speaking, it is.

It’s really only practical for dev tools or niche open source desktop apps.

The reason that Apple and Microsoft require all this is also that native apps have a lot more access to the system.

This doesn't matter. Notarization doesn't do anything against a dedicated attacker willing to commit illegal acts.

Notarization is supposed to deter malware by a combination of static/dynamic analysis and attaching some real-world legal entity to any signed binary so law enforcement can follow up on if malicious activity is happening.

Analysis is not bulletproof and can be worked around.

The legal entity requirement is also trivial to nullify. At least in the UK, the company registration authority charges a nominal fee (payable by credit card - stolen if necessary) and puts you on the company register. Dun & Bradstreet scrapes that and that's how you get the DUNS number necessary to register for an Apple dev account. All of this is trivial to get through if you don't mind breaking the law and making up a few fake documents and providing a stolen CC (and assuming you're already planning to break the law by distributing malware, this is not a problem).

Finally, even if the "legal entity" bit was bulletproof, law enforcement just doesn't give a shit about the vast majority of online crime anyway.

All of these requirements are just a way to lock down access to the walled garden and put as many roadblocks to laymen trying to make their own software (in favor of big corps) masquerading as security theatre.

Notarization does do things against attackers, yes.

Firstly, stolen CCs tend to get reported especially if you make a big purchase. If you use a stolen CC to buy a developer certificate then it's going to get revoked the moment the real owner notices, and then your apps will be killed remotely by Apple before they've even been detected as malicious.

Still, the big win of notarization is that Apple can track down variants of your malware once it's identified and take them all out simultaneously. They keep copies of every program running on a Mac, so they can do clustering analysis server side. On Windows there's no equivalent of notarization, but the same task is necessary because otherwise malware authors can just spin endless minor variants that escape hash based detection, so virus scanners have to try and heuristically identify variants client side. This is not only a horrific resource burn but also requires the signatures to be pushed out to the clients where malware authors can observe them and immediately figure out how they're being spotted. Notarization is a far more effective approach. It's like the shift from Thunderbird doing spam filtering all on its own using hard-coded rules, to Gmail style server side spam filtering.

> All of these requirements are just a way to lock down access to the walled garden

I've been hearing this for over a decade now. In the beginning I believed it, but it's been a long time and Apple have never made macOS a walled garden like iOS is. There's no sign they're going to do it either. After all, at least some people have to be able to write new apps!

> They keep copies of every program running on a Mac, so they can do clustering

> analysis server side.

Are you sure about this ? I did not give apple permission to keep a copy of my software that I am writing.

Yes you did, if you have notarized your app:


Section 5.3: "By uploading Your Application to Apple for this digital notary service, You agree that Apple may perform such security checks on Your Application for purposes of detecting malware or other harmful or suspicious code or components, and You agree that Apple may retain and use Your Application for subsequent security checks for the same purposes."

I did not notarize my app. So it doesn't have a copy of my program, which I believe is a subset of every.

Isn’t that something you agree to when you notarize?

Just stop making apps for Apple, Microsoft, Google platforms. Truth is everything except Linux is just somebody else's digital fiefdom where we developers are but serfs and the users are even lower. It's either Linux or the web.

We need freedom and privacy oriented general computing hardware and software again. Not these locked down operating systems tied to one walled garden.

Choosing the web is great.

Choosing overly complex web frameworks is still a guilty pleasure of too many projects.

> we choose the much simpler, much cheaper way of the web.

Once the beancounters at the rent-seeking companies (Apple, Microsoft, …) have figured out that web development is where all the money is, this will change rapidly. Google has already started gatekeeping the web via Chrome.

It's either me having reading comprehension issue, or it's surprisingly unclear which certificate I need to buy to publish an app on Microsoft Store and what the minimum cost is.

Considering the whole point to have Windows is to use apps I'd expect they made the process super smooth.

How do you host your apps?

I'm not sharing any revenue with Microsoft for my desktop apps :)


Unfortunately, yes, having one's personal information accessible to large, private companies really doesn't matter to most people. The only people I know who really care about this stuff are tech people, stalking victims, and victims of domestic abuse. [Admittedly this is becoming more aware for women trying to get abortions, but they're also a minority shamed to silence most of the time.] This isn't going to change until there are real, public, personal stakes for the majority of people.

The alternative that exists today that I can buy and all the apps I need for work will actually exist and function correctly is called…

> all the apps I need for work

The whole thing is like an intentional vicious circle. People buy the systems because certain applications are available on them (or rather because that's what everyone does), and the application manufacturers support the systems where the most customers are expected. But if one takes an impartial look at which applications or functions are really needed for a company, there are certainly alternatives.

Unfortunately, the open source community sabotages itself, e.g. by constantly changing the ABI of essential functions and thus undermining the portability of non-open source applications (see e.g. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32471624).

I find it very regrettable that now also on HN the flagging function is being misused more and more often to suppress other, but completely legitimate views. It is obvious that the majority of people are unaware of this problem or marginalize it, but that does not make it any less critical.

My statement was: Apparently, people prefer to buy expensive devices that eavesdrop and patronize them. As long as this continues and people don't run away from these manufacturers, they will continue with the trend and patronize people even more.

I run desktop linux and I've had no issue with joining zoom or teams calls.

The hardware is difficult but people are working on it. If you really want all firmware to be open old Thinkpads are popular but I've never tried it myself. And Linux/*BSD should be your OS. I've been using Linux for over a decade and don't miss anything.

If your work mandates something you can't solve with Linux the issue is with your work and you should push to change that.

GrapheneOS for mobile. Any Linux distro on desktop.

Fairphone 4.

Sustainable brands don’t remove their headphone jacks then start selling wireless headphones that require more batteries & rely on firmware updates

With which OS to have both privacy and Banking apps running in a jailed-signed container? (Genuine question)

I think your comment would be better if it would at least humour the idea that people might have legitimate reasons for their preferences, even if they don’t match yours.

In several countries you can't file your taxes or access your bank without a google/apple smartphone. People need to live too.

Such a state would not only be very unsocial (just think of the many elderly and disabled people, apart from the less well-off, who are unable to use such small screens and operating elements), but would also have to accept the question of why it is so interested in forcing such a device on every citizen.

What country only lets you file your taxes and do banking via a smartphone.

It's always been an app in addition to a website.

In sweden you can't login to A LOT of stuff without a smartphone.

Including taxes, getting a covid certificate, applying to rent an apartment.

This seems very unlikely to me, as Sweden is known to be one of the most social countries in Europe, and such a requirement would not only discriminate against the less well-off, but also against the elderly and disabled. It would be very surprising if a majority could be found for such a regulation in Sweden.

Sweden has one of the highest wealth disparity in europe, and it's increasing.

Also, as person living in sweden, let me tell you that marketing as inclusive is not the same as being inclusive. Spending money to let disabled people be able to get on trains, or checking that accessibility laws are respected (they aren't) are not things that happen in sweden.

Just last month I encountered a broken elevator at a train station. Which means no taking the train if you're on a wheelchair (and good luck with getting a refund). Even worse, if you actually were on the train, you're now stuck on the platform and can't leave until the next train shows up. Of course to buy the ticket for the next train you will need a smartphone.

"Barely any reason"... except they created and maintain the entire plarform and tooling that you're building on. And in Apple's case they give it away for free with any mac.

I'm old enough to remember when buying development tooling for DOS or Windows was $$$$$$

Apple started giving away the development environment because they had such an anemic software ecosystem. They had a handful of OpenSTEP developers and a larger crowd of die-hard Mac people, the successful ones mostly moving away from the platform.

Today Apple is taking percentage of every dollar made from application developers who participate in their App store and they are making it increasingly difficult to avoid this with every release. IMHO, they are making far more dollars today than they ever did selling development hardware and SDK licenses.

They had a $100 yearly dev fee for ios.

Only if you want to distribute via the App Store. There’s also TestFlight and distribution of source code I believe if you want to avoid that.

Both of these are completely false. Testflight distribution without a developer license is impossible. Asking users to compile the app themself is infeasible, as the XCode toolchain is upwards of 18gb and they will be required to compile it once every week to keep it on their device. The developer fee is unavoidable — even with EU intervention

Even signing for your own device (if you manage to get your users to do this) requires an Apple ID in good standing.

My own poor wording.. I'm talking about avoiding the App Store not avoiding the license.

Sounds much less generous than OP.

Can i borrow your compiler for a few days?

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