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The problem with this argument is that the tools for proprietary platforms are inferior to the cross-platform ones in many cases. VSCode is better than XCode or Android Studio. GCC and Clang are better than MSVC. We don't need platform lock-in to subsidize good tools because the best tools are unencumbered.

I'd happily build iOS apps without XCode or any of Apple's frameworks to save the 30% fee. Heck, I'd do it even if I still had to pay the 30%, I hate being forced to use XCode.

I don’t use Xcode, I develop in vim. You can run the deploy/signing step on the cli without launching Xcode.

> VSCode is better than XCode or Android Studio

That’s just your opinion though isn’t it

That's just an opinion. Not only his. It's shared by many.

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My opinion is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

Without me, my opinion is useless. Without my opinion, I am useless."

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