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I think it’s about platform lock-in as well, tightly correlated to pivoting away from cookies due to regs and user pushback.

If you read adtech docs, authenticated user sessions are the gold standard on enumerating user preferences for the sake of ads.

Un/pw friction is noted as a difficulty in achieving this. Cookies developed the way they did in response, +/- details.

If cookies go, then passkeys look a lot like a tangible and realistic solution to enumerating users via authn/z’d sessions, minus the friction of un/pw and a pw manager.

IMO, the impacts of passkeys will feed right into this solution, and while I’m not sure if you can safely argue passkeys are a nefarious plan to replace cookie tracking, I don’t think you can get a tech giant to support such a reimagining of user experience if it didn’t have ancillary benefits beyond solely security use cases. When has a company like Apple or Google ever done such an equivalently large amount of work solely in support of security?

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