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Stories from April 28, 2024 (UTC)
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1. Google made me ruin a perfectly good website (2023) (theluddite.org)
1038 points by MrVandemar 1 day ago | 489 comments
2. Zilog Z80 CPU – Modern, free and open source silicon clone (github.com/rejunity)
329 points by jnord 18 hours ago | 61 comments
3. Burn After Wearing (grist.org)
206 points by onychomys 1 day ago | 132 comments
4. Watch cars evolve using genetic algorithm (rednuht.org)
339 points by memalign 1 day ago | 50 comments
5. Japan's Moon lander makes it through another lunar night (theregister.com)
173 points by LorenDB 3 days ago | 25 comments
6. Fragmented thinking is a bigger threat to flow state than interruptions (stackblitz.com)
281 points by nickwritesit 3 days ago | 89 comments
7. TfL's simple pop-up message led to a significant drop in paper ticket sales (ianvisits.co.uk)
195 points by zeristor 19 hours ago | 221 comments
8. Let's Embed a Go Program into the Linux Kernel (2023) (sigma-star.at)
122 points by st_goliath 1 day ago | 46 comments
9. How to improve the RISC-V specification (alastairreid.github.io)
157 points by todsacerdoti 1 day ago | 56 comments
10. A small lathe built in a Japanese prison camp (1949) (lathes.co.uk)
389 points by CommieBobDole 11 hours ago | 94 comments
11. How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles (gagor.pro)
209 points by ___timor___ 1 day ago | 128 comments
12. Flow Field Pathfinding (redblobgames.com)
152 points by ingve 19 hours ago | 21 comments
13. The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics (nhigham.com)
189 points by teleforce 1 day ago | 30 comments
14. Synth wars: The story of MIDI (2023) (musicradar.com)
138 points by conanxin 3 days ago | 62 comments
15. Crafting Interpreters: 640 Pages in 15 Months (stuffwithstuff.com)
244 points by auraham 1 day ago | 17 comments
16. PySheets – Spreadsheet UI for Python (pysheets.app)
238 points by tosh 1 day ago | 48 comments
17. Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine (righto.com)
84 points by todsacerdoti 13 hours ago | 7 comments
18. Zed Decoded: Rope and SumTree (zed.dev)
170 points by avinassh 17 hours ago | 32 comments
19. The unstallable plane that stalled (fearoflanding.com)
150 points by sni 14 hours ago | 143 comments
20. Implementing Neural Networks on a "10-cent" RISC-V MCU (cpldcpu.wordpress.com)
109 points by _Microft 2 days ago | 21 comments
21. Philosophus Autodidactus (wikipedia.org)
69 points by niemandhier 3 days ago | 29 comments
22. Google Quantum AI (quantumai.google)
179 points by segasaturn 1 day ago | 188 comments
23. Using squeezed wav2vec2 to automatically detect owl calls (seangoedecke.com)
73 points by gfysfm 3 days ago | 8 comments
24. Is it okay to daisy chain a UPS? (eaton.com)
120 points by nuker 21 hours ago | 142 comments
25. Did we lose our way in making efficient software? (rufatmammadli.medium.com)
177 points by rumad 13 hours ago | 333 comments
26. Show HN: OpenLIT – Open-Source LLM Observability with OpenTelemetry (github.com/openlit)
52 points by aman_041 2 days ago | 18 comments
27. Mise: a polyglot tool version manager (jdx.dev)
148 points by thunderbong 22 hours ago | 31 comments
28. Show HN: Docker-phobia: Analyze Docker image size with a treemap (github.com/remorses)
76 points by remorses 16 hours ago | 28 comments
29. Barley plants fine-tune root microbial communities through sugary secretions (phys.org)
57 points by wglb 3 days ago | 6 comments
30. What if null was an Object in Java? (donraab.medium.com)
59 points by ingve 1 day ago | 96 comments

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