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Passkeys: A shattered dream (blackhats.net.au)
967 points by nmjenkins 11 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 772 comments

The biggest issue with passkeys is that I just can't trust the companies offering them. They are locked into the platform for reasons that are ostensibly security but often indistinguishable from platform lock-in. If you make a passkey on an Apple device as far as I can tell it will never leave that device, ever, and there is no way to change this. Of course this means you can never be phished for your credentials but if Apple decides to delete your key or you want to leave your iPhone behind, what are you supposed to do?

The platform lock in attempt is wild, my initial experiences with Passkeys were great on iOS and Safari, either getting pushed to touch-id or scanning a QR with my phone. But then in Chrome I couldn't get into GitHub because chrome would only push me to use their manager and wouldn't offer a QR code.

Seeing this more and more with Chrome, like Credit Card numbers used to just save and autocomplete in browser but then they had some popup that was worded in a weird way that tricked me into saying it into Google Pay. Then I had to like type in the CCV to retrieve the card but then it also charged my bank account 1c for the privilege of autocompleting the card each time. Took me good 20 minutes to delete my card, get it saved back in the free local auto completely and shut down my Google Pay account I never knew I had.

Yep, this is why I don't use passkeys.

I tried. The power-grabbing garbage was immediately apparent and sent me straight for "heck no, I'll just use passwords until they figure this out, at least that can't control my password manager".

In principle I should be very in favor of them, but the wild variety of lack of support for basics, and the built-in-the-spec ability for site X to control how I store and sync stuff is utterly bonkers. It's feeling like the OpenID promise -> OAuth platform lock-in cycle all over again, but compressed into v1.

I use 1Password which supports Passkeys, and don’t have an issue across mobile or desktop.

I don’t get what the issues people have really are. I never experience them (fortunately!).

1Password is a closed-source, cloud-hosted service. At any time, for any reason, they can close and delete your account, leaving you high and dry. Self-hosted, multi-device password managers are the only real solution. Thankfully, Vaultwarden and KeePassXC fill this role perfectly.

Now if we could just get the other providers that require insecure email/SMS 2FA to follow suit, that would be great...

I’m really not sure the “only real solution” is every human needs to selfhost a password manager. That’s ill-advised; an extreme take.

The vast majority of the population will do a worse job on the availability and security of a selfhost solution than 1Password, whose core business and value proposition is password management.

I’m a very happy user of 1Password for Families and consider it the likely the best ~$50 a year that I spend on hosted technologies.

I'm a happy user of 1password also. But I'm not touching passkeys until they let me export them. Last time I checked, it was a platform lock-in.

You can export them- just did so by touching the context menu on the mobile app then “copy item JSON.” This includes the private key for the passkey. Here’s one I just exported: https://gist.github.com/jacksonwelsh/f5ad519770b1adde40a6ee9...

Whether or not you can import them into something else though…

The whole original point of what underpins FIDO2 was device locked, unphishable credentials. Wanting to export and move passkeys between devices is kind of counter to that. And I would argue vendors completing the attestation process are much more trustworthy than storing your own keys god knows where.

Oh, ok. If that's the same thing as passkeys, then I finally figured out that I'm not interested. To me it looks like another vector for platform lock-in, or getting mysteriously locked out of my accounts with no recourse. I'll wait for FIDO3.

Yep. I absolutely refuse to support anything that wants to dictate what I do with my identity.

Such things do have purposes, in high-stakes environments. They prevent accidents. The vast majority of uses on the public web are not even remotely in that realm. It'd be better off being a separate spec that only a handful of internal-only systems use, ideally requiring MDM to set up conveniently (to strongly discourage normal and even high-stakes-normal website usage).

My banking website has absolutely no business knowing and being able to approve or deny what brand my authenticator is.

I disagree. While Vaultwarden may be a bit much to ask of the unwashed masses, the storage model of KeePass* is very easy to understand and works with any existing file synchronisation solution, which almost everyone already has at this point. The effort is nearly as low as with a cloud hosted solution, and the value/safety proposition is quite high.

I also think that the "self-hosted" requirement is an over-reach. It would be sufficient to require some standardized commodity that can, in principle, be self-hosted, but is available in an equivalent form from multiple unaffiliated third parties. E.g., a WebDAV folder.

Agreed. I self hosted the key 100 bitcoin in like 2010. Machine crashed. Oops.

That's a fundamental problem with cryptographic security: you cannot trust people to manage your keys for you (because due to lack of regulation preventing that companies have this bad habit of pulling the rug under their customers' feet) but you cannot trust yourself doing that either, because you can, and will, make mistakes.

It's worse: there are regulations (called "sanctions" and "KYC") that force companies to pull the rug.

Idk if it's “worse” but yeah sanctions are a serious problem for the many people who happen to have family ties with the “wrong” countries.

My rule of thumb is if for some reason you need to use crypto keys that can't be easily replaced, you need to have a safe at the bank with the keys stored in 2 differente media formats, that are recreated every year.

I don't trust many people to do that.

I have everything encrypted and self hosted and I sometimes wonder what I would do if I was suffering from amnesia after an accident for example. And having a note somewhere telling me I have a safe in bank X is the only solution I have found.

> I have everything encrypted and self hosted and I sometimes wonder what I would do if I was suffering from amnesia after an accident for example.

Ah! I have the exact same recurring worry, it's very unpleasant. I'd really prefer to keep home media unencrypted, but the thought of a robber seeing my tax returns or photos of my infant daughter is constantly at the back of my mind.

> the thought of a robber seeing my tax returns or photos of my infant daughter is constantly at the back of my mind.

Even worse is the eventuality of them getting their hand of a picture of your ID card or passport, or whatever they can later use to steal your identity. Identity theft is nightmare stuff.

I've always wanted a decentralized solution that lets me trust my friends instead.

You can use a threshold secret sharing scheme to distribute your keys amongst your friends (and amongst companies).

This way you don't need to trust any single one of your friends to be 100% honest nor 100% available.

I know how to do that in theory (I've worked with Shamir secret sharing on elliptic curves before) but you don't have the option to do that in LUKS, so in practice you can't use it.

Thats kind of my point.

you could rsync files before you could Dropbox too, but there was still a need for a Dropbox.

> [...] you cannot trust people to manage your keys for you (because due to lack of regulation preventing that companies have this bad habit of pulling the rug under their customers' feet) [...]

Huh? There's plenty of already existing legal ways to do that. Just leave your key with your lawyer or a notary, and existing regulation about fiduciary duty handle everything just fine. You can also make normal private contracts that stipulate fiduciary duties, courts will enforce those contracts just fine.

As a technical alternative (or augmentation), you can also use a threshold secret sharing mechanism to store your keys amongst your friends and/or with companies.

Now what you can complain about is that there is no convenient way to do all of this. And that's a very legitimate complaint! Convenience is important.

However, the way to get convenience is not via regulation.

> Just leave your key with your lawyer or a notary > […] > However, the way to get convenience is not via regulation.

Fun fact: the reason why giving it to your lawyer or a notary works is exactly because of regulation regarding these professions. Without regulations, there would be no such alternative.

> However, the way to get convenience is not via regulation.

It is, because no company is ever going to give you the convenience you want at their own expense ;)

Well, obviously the customer only gets the convenience they are willing to pay for. Competition should help keep those costs down.

The blind faith some people have in markets and competition despite all evidence always leaves me in awe.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'despite all evidence'?

You can also write:

> The blind faith some people have in [regulation and government] despite all evidence always leaves me in awe.

In any case, markets ain't perfect. They are made of people, after all. But they are better than the alternatives. And most importantly: if you don't like what's on offer, you are allowed to get an alternative without going to jail.

> The blind faith some people have in [regulation and government] despite all evidence always leaves me in awe.

The Western world and Asia is a pretty good evidence that government works. If you want the libertarian dream of no government, you can go to Somalia, or South Sudan, or Yemen, or whatever failed states you can think about.

> And most importantly: if you don't like what's on offer, you are allowed to get an alternative without going to jail.

Oh sure you won't go to jail, but the alternative doesn't exists so you can't get it either. Like the convenient safe storage we both wish it existed.

In totalitarian dictatorship, you can't build such a tool without getting murdered or jailed, in totalitarian Capitalism you can build it but it will eventually be blocked from reaching any significant room on the market because of big corps or if you raise money from VC in order to get the marketing you need, it will eventually be bought out by one of the big player who will close or enshitify it.

The good alternative is what's called democracy, where the sovereign people vote for things instead of leaving the power to the party or the market.

> Just leave your key with your lawyer or a notary, and existing regulation about fiduciary duty handle everything just fine.

Would you really trust your lawyer with your bitcoin seed? If they stole everything from you, how would you even prove it?

I would definitely trust my lawyer with my bitcoin seed.

But the whole thing depends on how much you own in bitcoin.

If it's a whole lot, check how other people in more traditional domains are dealing with their lawyers or notaries handling these sums. (For one, it's a bit easier with bitcoin, because you don't need to tell your lawyer or notary what you are giving them. And you can encrypt the private key data with something derived from an easy to remember password. It doesn't need to be 100% cryptograhpically secure, it just needs to lower the temptation for your lawyer.)

Btw, I think the bigger problem in practice wouldn't be your lawyer stealing from you, but your lawyer somehow losing your data.

Feels. I had half a bitcoin on a disk that I left alone. Forgot about it. Reinstalled the OS. Three times. I was a sysadmin for years, but the cobblers' children go barefoot.

Do you still have the hard disk? Did you attempt to recover it ?

Do you have machines with no backups? Why?

Sounds like you had control of your data.

> 1Password is a closed-source, cloud-hosted service. At any time, for any reason, they can close and delete your account

They used to offer their apps offline and you could "host" it anywhere. Venture Capital ruined them.

Having the passwords in the cloud is useful though. Before, if you wanted to use your vault across multiple machines, you had to store your vault in someone else’s cloud. This simplifies the process.

Incorrect. 1P orginally offer direct LAN syncing among machines.

And you could just open the in-backup html file to decrypt and read your stuff in emergencies.

1Password has fallen hard from their earlier excellence.

And dropbox etc. based

And KeePass XC supports passkeys too[1]. Although I’ve not had a chance to try that out yet.

[1] https://keepassxc.org/docs/KeePassXC_UserGuide#_passkeys

Your vault is stored locally on each device, so if they decide to shut down you just export locally, import somewhere else and move on. It’s not as big of a deal as you seem to be implying.

I wonder if BitWarden doesn't support passkeys too.

BitWarden is open source to a large degree and even provides an (open source) server for self-hosting.

It does, works great. Not sure about vaultwarden's support for it though.

It works fine on Vaultwarden for me.

For others reading this thread, looks like KeePassXC announced passkey support last October!

Does it work well?

No they can’t. You have a local cache. Also, you can export and backup if you are really worried.

Bitwarden supports passkeys, is open sourced, and can be self hosted.

Vaultwarden is a much simpler self-hosted Bitwarden.

The lock in is intentional, security theater touted as a feature in the shitty, ambiguous spec. Unfortunately, the folks who contribute to the spec are more concerned about threatening projects that have the audacity to use common sense instead: https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues/10407 (and https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc/issues/10406)

Same thing with google app on ios. My wife saved a password to a site on her phone and we were trying to find it to log in again. Since she had navigated to the site through the Google app, the password ended up in her google account instead of the iPhone keychain - unlike in every other app on the iPhone.

> and shut down my Google Pay account I never knew I had

Google loves that nonsense, don't they? It's as though they think so highly of themselves that they cannot imagine they might not be strictly doing us all a favor by signing us up for their services.

Fifteen years later, I still have friends occasionally sending messages to a GMail address I never asked for, never used, and didn't even know about for most of a year while it was virally spreading through people's address books, silently diverting mail away from my actual address. The only time I used this account, after I discovered that it existed, was to delete it - but GMail apparently still suggests it when people type my name, because I get an "oops, sent this to the wrong address" forward every few months.

No I will not be knowingly using any Google passkey service, but perhaps I will someday find that they have signed me up for it anyway.

As shitified as the world wide web has gotten over the last few years, that's almost a feature these days.

Now you have lots of chaff / ablative / imposter emails to divert away all the robo-mailers, spear fishers, destitute princes, and the like. Even the tiniest little mistake and the email goes to one of a million diversion accounts.

Side Not-a-joke: On this topic, I also really hate two-factor authentication you don't sign up for, don't want, yet are forced to add to your account, because Google Play is too much of SCIF to just let you log in. Even more security theater for the most basic activities. Now I need two-factor every time I try to use GitHub. Ugg.

My wife has the opposite side of this problem coin. Her gmail address (which she does use) has virally spread through a family and circle of friends who all believe it relates to a person in the US who we are entirely unconnected with in any way. Attempts to get them to sort this out always fail because inevitably the address gets re-added to some thread or other and starts spreading again.

Never surrender any email address that a random berk can then claim.

I had my Facebook taken over because I had all notifications disabled and forgot that the email address was associated to it. Some criminal behind an Egyptian IP address took my old email and was in my Facebook within two days of me surrendering it.

Why don’t you setup the Gmail account to forward? I know it’s a hassle, but will resolve the issue

The issue is not forwarding the email. The issue is people sending email to the Google address in the first place. As someone who just set up email on his own domain, I'm starting to wish I could search every database and contacts list for my old Google address and replace it with the new one which is actually mine.

That seems like an invitation for long-term pain if Google changes their policies, requiring someone to log in every X months or have their gmail account locked, for example, or some AI enforcement tool locks the account for inscrutable reasons.

I'm locked out of my Gmail and it still forwards to the recovery email address, but I can't get in to change the settings. They also won't allow me to download all my data, as required by statute, because I can't log in.

I've got some active GMail forwarding addresses that I haven't logged into for 10+ years. I don't think they could change how that worked now even if they wanted to.

The account doesn't exist anymore.

Odd! I've been able to sign into desktops running Chrome both on Windows and Mac. Both times Chrome will show a QR code that my iPhone scans. The actual passkey is stored in 1Password.

The dark pattern about signing up for google pay is absolutely inexcusable though. Sorry you're going through that.

I think they changed it recently to offer a QR code because checking now it's offering it. But I absolutely had the issue for the first few months of the year.

> Then had to like type in the CCV to retrieve the card but then it also charged my bank account 1c for the privilege of autocompleting the card each time.

I believe those transactions are never confirmed and are reverted after 7 days or something like that

I think your mistake is not using firefox.

You are able to share an Apple passkey to any nearby Apple device at any time using AirDrop. Passkeys can also be used cross-platform during sign in via an NFC/Bluetooth handshake initiated by QR code.

Additionally, passkeys are just a synced-via-cloud implementation of FIDO2, an open standard that has other implementations you may feel more comfortable using.

For someone who requires being able to sign in to, say, GitHub from multiple different operating systems or platforms, you have a few options.

1. Use a passkey on your primary device, say an iPhone. You can still sign in to GitHub on a Windows computer or Android phone but you must have your iPhone with you. During sign in, there is an option to show a QR code on the Windows/Android, which you will point your iPhone at, and the two devices will do a secure handshake to sign you in. This is probably the worst option from a UX standpoint if you sign in on lots of devices that are not your primary.

2. Use a physical security key to store a FIDO2 key instead of a passkey. These devices are inherently cross-platform. Remember, a passkey is just a type of FIDO2 key. No one is forcing you to store it in the cloud. You can buy something like the YubiKey 5C NFC to store your keys completely offline and under your own control. The tradeoff is you will need to have it with you and you will need to plug it in every time you create an account or sign in.

3. Add multiple passkeys to your GitHub account, one for each platform you want to be able to sign in on. Unlike passwords, where an account generally only has one password at a time, it’s normal and even recommended to have at least one backup FIDO2/passkey registered with an account.

And of course these aren’t mutually exclusive, you can mix and match these techniques, perhaps depending on how important the account is or how/where you typically access it. Maybe you only use a single passkey on your primary device for your bedtime social media scrolling, but use a passkey with a backup FIDO2 security key on GitHub.

Number 2 is not true. I have a Yubikey and it can't be used on Android without a Google made app or account. It's always the same story, give a plausible option to seem open or neutral, but make sure there are "details" that establishes chain of consequences preventing it that is weird enough to allow denying intention. Even though I'm not that young I thought I just need to wait for Firefox to implement it, but as time went by I got curious and found out why it actually can't be done.

I was able to log in to GitHub using a Yubikey on my Pixel without a special app.

Check whether your Yubikey supports resident keys (aka discoverable credentials) and whether the FIDO key for your account was created with residentKey: true, otherwise it’s a completely different (older) flow under the hood, where the private key actually gets sent to the server, and it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the underlying cause of what’s happening to you.

Thanks for trying to help but I really meant it can't be done, not that it doesn't work for me. This is the starting point for understanding why https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1678045 but that rabbit hole is pretty deep if you want to understand the whole web of consequences.

I don't understand. Ive also used my yubikey to login to GitHub from my pixel running GrapheneOS.

Wow. I just bought a couple of new YubiKeys for the OpenPGP Curve25519 support. I was looking forward to using the NFC feature with my Android phone. Is it just a Chrome problem? I downloaded some OpenPGP app from fdroid and it says it supports NFC keys.

I'm not sure about your exact situation, lot of the scenarios are OK, just the one without Google services which are dependent on Google account doesn't work. That is actually irrelevant for "normal" phone users that are logged to Google all the time anyway.

I was hoping to be able to use the new YubiKey to sign code from inside Termux.

This all sounds like "it's technically possible, but it's a huge huge hassle and sticking with passwords is significantly easier".

I consider myself technically savvy, but I end up with countless different passkeys for different devices, and then multiplied again by all of the different services out there.

I have so many keys scattered everywhere that I would need an excel sheet to keep track of them. I regret not doing that already .. or perhaps I regret using passkeys at all. I am still trying to figure that out.

Seems like it. And the primary reason I haven't switched. Seems like a huge hassle and offers no advantages to me.

But what happens if I as an iPhone user want to switch to Android next year? Can I move my Apple passkeys?

No, you can't. You need to login into every website and replace passkey with new one in website-specific way.

You can use passkeys cross platform already, eg with 1Password or even KeePass XC.

But I do agree with the point that Passkeys make it really easy to get locked in unless you’re careful.

> You can use passkeys cross platform already, eg with 1Password or even KeePass XC.

But then I have the analogous problem of never being able to switch password managers!

Bitwarden exports passkeys along with everything else.

Can anything else import a passkey? It makes me nervous to have export, Id rather just have multiple platforms.

Another bitwarden server? You can self host.

The idea isn't to move your keys around willy nilly the idea is that should you need to, you're not beholden to bitwarden inc.

"We do not support competitors' products."

No, you add a new passkey from Android and then remove the passkey from iPhone.

1. Login with the passkey from your iPhone.

2. In your account, add a new passkey from your new Android. Now both passkeys are active.

3. Login with your new Android passkey.

4. In your account, deactivate the passkey that is stored on your iPhone.

Passkeys aren’t passwords. You can have more than one active at the same time. So instead of moving a single passkey around, you add or remove them to change devices or service providers.

I have 400 accounts in my password manager.

There’s no way I’m doing that for each of them (or figuring out which ones support passkeys).

Then don’t change phone OS, or put your passkeys in a third party password manager.

Or... use passwords and 2FA which we have been using forever and for years respectively.

Why is that better? It's the same thing as a passkey managwer, but twice the work.

My issue with option 1 is that it utilizes bluetooth. And everything involving bluetooth is not reliable.

"Alright Mom, here's what you have to do..."

This is alone a big enough reason that there never has been any reason to be hyped about passkeys. The hype train on passkeys has been insane.

> If you make a passkey on an Apple device as far as I can tell it will never leave that device, ever, and there is no way to change this.

That's not true. Passkeys actually require iCloud Keychain, which is obnoxious, because you can't use the OS passkey support without using iCloud. And you can't even manually export passkeys from iCloud Keychain, which is totally opaque.

So it is still platform lock-in, just not in the way you described.

So use a password manager still (1P). You can have multiple passkeys for different devices or keychains but no entering passwords or credentials. Still an improvement and far less vulnerable.

1Password is a platform, one that has gotten worse over the years. They've taken a bunch of venture capital, switched to rental pricing, and apparently now demand that everything be in the "cloud". No thanks. I prefer to be my own password manager.

I was just giving an example.

Then perhaps Bitwarden… or do you have a bone to pick with them as well?

There are choices.

Using a good old password means you don't rely on any particular service, period. Passkeys means you do, you rely on either a particular type of device (e.g. Apple device) or a SaaS.

It doesn't matter how many SaaSes offer it or how many brands of devices adopt it. It still means that for access to all of your accounts, you either 1. Have to stay with that brand of device or 2. Have to rely on the goodwill of the SaaS not to suddenly start raising their prices (the comparison here is passwords, which are free).

Before you say that switching providers is possible, that doesn't really matter. Let's say I stored the passkeys on my iPhone/iCloud. And then it got stolen.. whoops! Now I must at the very least acquire another Apple device until I can reach any of my accounts, i.e. I'm tech-dead until I do so.

If switching is not frictionless, it's an absurd level of lock-in, almost making it impossible. I have to go into every single account and add a new passkey? What if I forget one when I switch, then I'm out of luck and can never use the account again?

Bitwarden (& vaultwarden) also offer passkey which seem to work pretty well.

I've not had a problem registering both this and my phone on any site.

If you've already got a password manager, what benefit do you get from passkeys?

Avoiding the risks of short, weak passwords? The risks of reusing passwords across sites? The inconvenience of remembering loads of passwords? The frustration of having to type passwords manually? The risk of getting phished or typing one site's password into a different site? Remembering and typing usernames? The password manager takes care of all that for you already.

And if your objective is to have a second factor just in case your password manager gets compromised? A physical button just in case someone takes over your mouse and keyboard? Or a credential stored in a secure element that's (somewhat) protected even if you use it on a compromised machine? Putting it in a password manager (or OS keyring) removes those advantages.

Passkeys can’t be phished, or shoulder peeped, or entered on a malicious domain. And for the layman, it means they can’t forget their password.

Technically the place where you store your passkeys can be hacked into, but there is no technology that protects against that. You could give a tech layman 5FA and he’ll give all 5 factors to the nice man on the phone call.

> Passkeys can’t be phished, or shoulder peeped, or entered on a malicious domain. And for the layman, it means they can’t forget their password.

Neither can passwords if you’re using a password manager to handle them.

So again, if you’ve already got a password manager, and would put your passkeys in a password manager, what is the benefit of passkeys?

It cuts out the necessity for a password manager browser extension to handle stuff like autofill, password generation, etc. Those extensions have had fairly significant vulnerabilities in the past. So you're reducing the attack surface, as well as getting a cryptographic guarantee against phishing (the signature the client returns include the domain that sent the challenge).

Edit: The other great part is that the server just stores your public key, so it's idiot proof on their end. It makes a breach effectively useless, since offline cracking is impossible.

Except now you have vendor, browser and device lock in. So password managers are required to solve those very real problems anyway.

The value of these seem very low. Passkeys are a solution looking for a problem.

Mayve 10 years ago before password managers became a thing they made more sense? Now they're just kind of annoying and hard to share (sharing passwords is a real need for many people /applications / services)

You don't need browser extensions to use a password manager. You can just copy&paste.

Except we're talking about protections against phishing, and as much as I love the clipboard it will paste anywhere you like, including definitely wrong and evil places.

I would just not use a password manager if I had to do that honestly.

You're wrong, with password managers you can definitely be phished. Unless it's literally impossible to extract the password to enter it manually, but I don't think password managers make that impossible (and if it's possible, users will do it).

With passkeys it's literally impossible.

Could you expand on how to trick a password manager to enter the password on a fake domain ?

I'd see having the user add the domain themselves, or get the user to copy/past the password themselves on some other form. But the phishing is not happening on the password manager side, and these use cases still exist even after you chose passkeys (i.e. I'd still need to somewhat log into Google's auth from my Nest hub for instance to have it show the calendar)

It happens to me very regularly that a password in my password manager is needed on a different domain. Maybe the logon process is at id.domain.com and password is pinned to domain.com, or maybe the password was created at signup.domain.com and so it doesn't pop up on domain.com, or you have to log in to a hotel's site with the password from their reward scheme (different domain), etc...

In any case users are trained by the internet to need to search for the right password outside the pinned domains. Most of the time I guarantee people don't add the extra domains to the password records. So when a phishing site pops up they'll do the same: search for the site name/domain that they think they're logging into and go from there.

Password managers solve password reuse, weak passwords, etc. but IMO do not solve phishing, especially not for the kind of user who's most susceptible t it (little technical understand, hates this stuff, just wants to follow instructions and not deal with it), but passkeys might.

At least on Bitwarden you can just edit the domain if that comes up a lot for you (or even add multiple domains to a password). I'd rather do that than copy/paste on a regular basis. Honestly I can't say I ever copy/paste.

Yeah, I do this too, but many people I know wouldn't even think about the fact that they could do that, or why they would. They just know that whatever password manager they use doesn't find the password but if they search for it, it's there. So they do that and get on with their lives, inadvertently opening up an avenue for phishing.

Thanks for your explanations. It's all the more reason to be pissed about what the big corporations are doing.

I'm totally with you.

These issues won't be solved unless passkeys work absolutely everywhere the user has to authenticate. Logon required or weird and funky domains is currently due to service providers being a mess themselves (I'm looking at you, Microsoft). So should we expect them to miraculously get their act together and have each of these system flawlessly work with their passkey auth. from now on ?

That's where I think we're stuck with that class of issue for as long as there are multiple auth systems, passkeys or not.

Also autofill is just broken by some sites and app login screens, so users are used to looking at and typing their passwords every now and then.

And, of course, the malicious site can arrange for autofill to be broken.

There can be vulnerabilities, this is clearly the hottest attack surface of password managers. I remember a few years ago Tavis Ormandy from Google Project Zero found such vulnerabilities in a bunch of the most popular password managers which allowed to steal credentials from a rogue website.

I'd still recommend using a password manager, as overall and in practice the risk of phishing and (re)using (weak) passwords is far greater than this kind of rare vulnerabilities (and also I work for a company that makes a password manager ^^)

See https://lock.cmpxchg8b.com/passmgrs.html if you'd like to know more

> With passkeys it's literally impossible.

I dunno about you. But I like being able to get my passwords out of the password manager. How is not being able to do so a feature?

The metaphor might be a bit esoteric, but that's similar to wishing that Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) allowed you "get your <private keys>" out of the HSM. As sibling comment says, that's how you get phished. The whole point of an HSM (and a passkey) is that the super-secret private part never leaves the HSM no matter how nicely you ask and no matter how compromised the machine is.

A password manager, OTOH, is happy to hand out your private key ("password" in this case) to anyone that has access to it.

Yes, but I don’t want vendor lockin.

I want to move my passkeys where I want and use tools I want.

Not allowing anyway of changing passkeys is terrible. Imagine someone switches from IOS to android. How do they use their passkeys?

Even if they had a big “warning don’t do this” sign it would be better than not allowing it in anyway.

It's a middle ground. You should be able to move passkeys from one vendor to another with some export process but the secret key is not exposed when you use it which reduces the risk of having it stolen

> Not allowing anyway of changing passkeys is terrible.

Who says you can't change your passkeys? Just log into the site with your existing passkey (or other 2FA) and change it.

Sure, I'll just log into all 500+ sites I have logins for and update them.

It's not that kind of impossible. It means that even if you are tricked into giving your passkey to the attacker, it's cryptographically useless to the attacker because a passkey is bound to a specific origin.

Because that opens you up for being phished.

True, but it also opens me up to using the same password on all machines I use. You can argue that’s a negative, but personally I like being able to add a new machine to my collection without worrying about who the vendor is.

>> Passkeys can’t be phished, ..., or entered on a malicious domain. > Neither can passwords if you're using a password manager to handle them.

This is absolutely not true, it depends heavily on usage patterns of the password manager and its features. Not all are browser extensions that autofill, and even if they did, sites change their domains for auth occasionally that break this functionality (or more often, signup is on a different domain from auth) meaning you must manually copy-paste your password somewhat often if you don't meticulously, and manually, maintain your domain list for a credential. The average person is *not* going to do that, they're going to go "huh, it broke again" and copy paste their randomly generated password.

Please, do not give security advice you are not equipped to handle.

> Passkeys have no easy way to extract the private key and do not request to enter the private key to authenticate.

Sure the do. All somebody needs is the password to your password manager. It's a single point of failure and by putting your passkeys in there to you've made it even more vulnerable.

Do you put a passkey on your password manager that exists outside of that ecosystem? Once you have that why not just use it for everything?

The parent wasn't giving security advice. They were asking a valid question.

> Sure the do. All somebody needs is the password to your password manager. It's a single point of failure and by putting your passkeys in there to you've made it even more vulnerable.

Not more vulnerable than if they were just using password. You're still missing my point, password managers do not give you the ability to just copy-paste the private key of a passkey into a form field, unlike passwords. Some don't give you access to it at all (*cough* Apple *cough*). Sure you can get the private key if you have access to the password managers vault, but that's not what's being talked about. Common usage patterns matter immensely in security. At the end of the day, the attack surface for passkey-based authentication is smaller than password-based authentication, which is a step in the right direction.

> The parent wasn't giving security advice. They were asking a valid question.

The parent made a blatantly false and dangerous statement and then followed it up with a question. Did we read the same comment?

I agree that it's not more vulnerable than just using a password, I'm only saying that it's only slightly less vulnerable under the best circumstances and incredibly more vulnerable under the worst circumstances (ie. if somebody got ahold of your password manager).

I also agree that passkey-based authentication provides a smaller attack surface than purely password-based authentication.

But putting the passkey on a second device provides an even smaller attack surface since now a bad actor needs both your device (or a MITM attack) and your password.

This is an HN forum. Nobody's giving "security advice," but I do feel like the parent comment's question hasn't been answered. Why would one store passkeys in their password manager instead of on a separate device?

> I agree that it's not more vulnerable than just using a password, I'm only saying that it's only slightly less vulnerable under the best circumstances and incredibly more vulnerable under the worst circumstances (ie. if somebody got ahold of your password manager).

I feel like we might have a mismatch in understanding what a passkey is. You make a new keypair for each account to authenticate to. A leaked passkey is generally no more vulnerable than a password when leaked.

> But putting the passkey on a second device provides an even smaller attack surface since now a bad actor needs both your device (or a MITM attack) and your password.

Correct. The gold standard is a hardware secured, non-cloud synced private key.

> This is an HN forum. Nobody's giving "security advice,"

It's a technical forum with statements on a technical topic. Making statements like that can always be misinterpreted as technical advice by default.

> but I do feel like the parent comment's question hasn't been answered. Why would one store passkeys in their password manager instead of on a separate device?

This is fair. The answer is: convenience. It is most definitely worse security posture to sync passkeys than to store them on a separate, physical device that can answer challenges without leaking the private key.

The reason to use them over passwords is they are more secure, even when synced to a cloud vault.

Thanks for helping to clarify what we're talking about. I disagree with some of what you're saying, but I also see where you're coming from re: the convenience of passkeys in your pw manager.


Password managers should be the default authentication method, and the current hack of having it type text into a password field is both unwieldy and completely avoidable.

Very easy to put the a password into the wrong place when doing it manually.

The risk of your password getting stolen in between your browser and whatever hash algorithm the service you're authenticating with puts your password through before storing/verifying it.

That's the benefit you get from passkeys that no password manager will otherwise be able to give you.

If your TLS connection has been MITM’d, you have much bigger problems than your unique randomly generated password being sniffed out.

It is not required that your connection has been MITM'd. The service you are authenticating can accidentally log the plaintext password, they can store it with an insufficiently secure hash function or not salt it. A malicious browser extension can scrape it directly from the input form. Etc, etc, etc.

Passwords are reasonably secure since we've been using them for a long time but there is in fact a huge chain of trust required to keep them secure and links in that chain frequently break.

If the service is like that, then I'm not sure being able to log in as you is a major issue...

It's very easy to fall prey to an Evilginx or similar AITM phishing attack. Passkeys or TLS client certificates are the only guaranteed defense. Relying on the user noticing the different domain or the lack of autofill by the password manager, not so much.

If they control the information flow can't they simply steal the passkey too?

No, because they never see anything that needs to be kept secret.

Passwords are based on symmetric cryptography. When you log in to a site using a password you give the site your password in plain text, hopefully over an encrypted communication channel such as HTTPS so that no one between you and the site can see the password.

The site then takes that plain text password and decides if it matches the plain text password you gave them when you created the account or most recently changed your password. If the site is following good security practices they aren't actually storing a copy of the password in plain text. They will store a hash of it and compare a hash of the password you just send to see if the hashes match.

Passkeys are based on asymmetric cryptography, also known as public-key cryptography. When you set up an account at a site to use passkeys your device generates a public key and a matching private key. The site is given the public key and your device keeps the private key.

When you want to log in later the site sends your device some data, your device does a computation on that data that involves the private key and sends the result to the site. The site can recognize that whatever did that computation had access to the private key that corresponds to the public key the site has on file.

The attacker could pretend to be the service the user is trying to authenticate to, issue a bogus challenge signed with the user's public key. That will allow intercepting the user's interactions but by this time the attacker has control over the target system so why not just take what is inside rather than go to the effort of interacting with the user?


Passkeys use public-key authentication wherein the server only stores the public half of a keypair and the client authenticates by correctly signing a challenge sent by the server, which the server then verifies using the public key.

At no point is the private key ever sent over the network or otherwise exposed to any infrastructure or code controlled by the server.

The actual implementation of password managers is really messy. Browser extensions that try to guess which field may or may not contain your username, copy the 2FA code to the clipboard in the hopes that you’ll easily be able to paste it on the next page… passkeys offering a standardized API to provide this information makes it worth considering alone IMO, even without considering the extra security compared to plaintext password.

These are all good things. Now, if I can just use it without getting locked into someone's walled garden, I'll be all-in.

I've found the Bitwarden to be hit and miss. Some sites work fine with it, others don't work. I haven't debugged it enough to work out whether the problem is on the Bitwarden end or the website end or something else altogether. Given I'm wary of the benefits (or lack of) of passkeys I haven't really looked into it in depth as I have other 2FAs I can use instead.

I think it’s about platform lock-in as well, tightly correlated to pivoting away from cookies due to regs and user pushback.

If you read adtech docs, authenticated user sessions are the gold standard on enumerating user preferences for the sake of ads.

Un/pw friction is noted as a difficulty in achieving this. Cookies developed the way they did in response, +/- details.

If cookies go, then passkeys look a lot like a tangible and realistic solution to enumerating users via authn/z’d sessions, minus the friction of un/pw and a pw manager.

IMO, the impacts of passkeys will feed right into this solution, and while I’m not sure if you can safely argue passkeys are a nefarious plan to replace cookie tracking, I don’t think you can get a tech giant to support such a reimagining of user experience if it didn’t have ancillary benefits beyond solely security use cases. When has a company like Apple or Google ever done such an equivalently large amount of work solely in support of security?

This is why services need to support multiple passkeys per user just like they should support multiple 2FA methods...

Big problem with this is that enrolling the secondary passkey requires the authenticator to be present. This is super inconvenient and risky as it always requires both authenticators to be present at the same machine/physical location, exposing both to local, physical threats (faulty USB ports on your machine frying anything you plug in? Congrats, you've now fried your main and any backup authenticators before you realized what was happening).

Ideally, you should be able to get an authenticator's public key and be able to enroll one without presenting the authenticator itself, allowing you to keep it in a safe/etc.

This would enable an easy workflow - enroll main authenticator as normal, then enroll your safely-stored backup by pasting its public key. If you lose your main, go to your safe, get your backup and "promote" it to primary and enroll a new backup one which goes in the safe.

It always struck me that 2FA is a corporate suicide pact. Some percentage of users are going to lose their keys per year so your user base is going to decay like a radioactive element.

That’s why most 2FA’s are 1.5FA by default where you can recover via SMS, delayed e-mail, etc, and you can (sometimes) only disable this by clicking through three scary screens and saving your 10 backup codes.

This is why you need to enrol the secondary passkey at the same time you enrol the first one, not later when you might not have the authenticator present.

In reality websites should not allow setting up a single passkey.

Enrolling both at the same time still requires both authenticators to be present at the same machine/physical location.

Problem remains when you lose one, and need to block and enroll a new backup?

Apple actually forces you to use 2 keys when setting up security keys for iCloud, just did the setup few weeks ago.

Do they typically not? My only contact with passkeys has been the 2FA service (Duo) at my place of work, and I've got a passkey on my phone and laptop, as well as OTP push notifications, OTP SMS, or recovery code from IT. It's particularly handy with the Chromeboxes hooked into the big presentation displays since I can scan a QR code with my phone to use the passkey stashed inside it.

Slightly poor wording from me maybe. There have been cases where for example only one hardware key could be set up but other methods were available at the same time.

I remember AWS having some weird choices at some point too, not sure how they are currently.

But yeah, typically I think most services have had multiple choises available at the same time.

The services that I use passkeys for (MS, AWS) do. I have separate passkeys for 2 browsers and on my phone.

The trouble is if it is on the service to do the support, they can revoke support at any time. They could use start tightening the screws on device attestation tomorrow for business reasons and drop support for your browser or phone.

How would we add MFA (in the broadest sense) without services supporting it? Or multiple MFA devices?

Yes, this is crucial. So far all the services that I use do though.

> The biggest issue with passkeys is that I just can't trust the companies offering them. They are locked into the platform for reasons that are ostensibly security but often indistinguishable from platform lock-in.

On MacOS you cannot enable passkeys (or using TouchID with them?) without enabling iCloud Keychain.

I'm fine with iCloud Keychain. But to enable it, you have to enable "autofill form password" which enables it in Safari. Disabling it in Safari disables the global setting and disables iCloud Keychain.



I agree. So far I think KeePassXC is the only one that allows you to export your Passkeys. I believe Bitwarden are working on it as well. That said, it's unclear whether this will provide any portability of passkeys between providers.

Once you export your passkeys, is there anything that can import them?

I assume each provider will have the ability to import as well as export. The question is whether you can do that across providers. That's not too different from the status quo for passwords and other fields though.

... and they are getting warned about that feature existing: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39698502

with an excellent response to that warning here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39706876

Thank you for posting this comment. I'm saddened but not surprised that attestation is being seriously talked about as a way to get independent password managers in line but not large corporations, and completely agree with Dan there.

Yep, I agree with that response completely. That whole thread is a great read about the reality of the passkey situation, and what it will take to really make it great.

The entire passkey situation is pretty telling that the spec was created with just vague promises that export would be handled at a later date.

untrue, 1Password stores the private key just like any other key material, and one can export it or get the private key from the bamboo menu

    "passkey": {
      "type": "webauthn",
      "createdAt": 1696352105,
      "privateKey": "eyJrdHkiOiJ...",
      "userHandle": "cafebabeDeadBeef..."

Where did you see that?

This comment just 4 months ago from 1Password says that exporting isn't possible: https://www.reddit.com/r/1Password/comments/18m4iph/comment/...

And I haven't seen any announcements in the opposite direction.


Edit: so I just checked and I can confirm that it's not possible to export passkeys from 1Password. Neither of the two available export options include passkeys.

> • 1PUX A 1Password Unencrypted Export (1pux) file will export all your data, except your passkeys. You'll need to create new passkeys with your next password manager

> • CSV (Export only certain fields) A comma-separated values file (.csv) will export only certain fields. It won't export data such as custom fields or file attachments.

Well then their enshitification just continues with their unending quest for burning every user-centric bridge they ever built. Goddamn

To answer your question, "bamboo menu, Copy Item JSON" which I believe is turned on due to my "Preferences, Advanced, Show debugging tools" being checked. I actually did try the $(op item get --format=json $its_uuid) first but figured there was some sekrit env var or --fields some_horseshit that I needed to dig up and it was more energy than I wanted to spend for a HN comment

So, OT1H, what I send was half true - they are available for export but only after some hoop jumping and seemingly not in the official export packaging, which I suppose almost guarantees they will not "round trip" back into a Vault in any kind of disaster recovery scenario

It seems those 1Password jokers just get great thrills out of ensuring that anytime I have something to praise them for they ensure they have some user hostile stupidity ready and waiting to drive people away

Wow I confirm that this option appears once I enable the developer options. Don't say it too loud though — I'm sure 1Password will remove it if they notice that it slipped past their view because of just dumping the JSON object.

I wrote the initial .opvault import into KeePassXC and briefly considered going after their local .com cache file (hidden in a very obtuse place, of course) since it seems to be using their same opdata01 <https://support.1password.com/cs/opvault-design/#opdata01> encoding, at least when last I looked, but then suspected that the audience who would have already paid for 1P but wanted to switch would use 1PUX. Seems maybe that does need more consideration

    $ cd ~/Library/Group Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.1password/Library/Application Support/1Password/Data
    $ sqlite3 -readonly 1password.sqlite
    sqlite> .tables
    account_objects   creation_drafts   item_overviews    ssh_pubkeys
    accounts          deleted_accounts  item_usage        users
    autofill          editing_drafts    kanon_autofill
    collection_map    feature_flags     objects
    config            item_details      search_weighting

This will be the straw, and now comes the “god how do I migrate off this shitshow” - enshittification pun intended. I nearly cancelled upon their choice to even add telemetry, then they made it possible to disable and off by default (though they still ask to turn it on).

The whole fucking point of a password manager, though, is to store and securely provide authn material while ensuring users can’t lose it… which necessarily includes ability to access it, and back it up.

It looks a LOT like passkeys and FIDO are, relatively effectively, backdooring what Google got beat to death for when they attempted to add “Web Environment Integrity” to browsers.

edit: But can I? I’m already questioning how hard it’s going to be, and if it’s feasible without a lotttt of hurt.

This is why I’m not interested in passkeys unless I can use it with my password manager (which I probably can at this point). It would also be nice to see the spec for these specifically address lock-in and provide anti-lock-in measures.

KeePassXC has support for passkeys now. However I've only managed to make it work with GitHub. Bitwarden does not work for now (although their passkey implementation for log-in is reportedly in beta).

Not sure what your password manager is, but 1Password supports them and its a pretty smooth experience.

The idea of a passkey is that it's bound to a device, and you can have more than one passkey. Think of a YubiKey, just that you can use your Phone or your PC instead. You basically have designated hardware that is always allowed to just login to your account...

Then why can it be backed up to the cloud?

My passkeys are in 1Password and work on every new device I set up.

Enroll another passkey. Password manager can also do that (Bitwarden, for example), so I really don‘t see a reason for all the agitation.

Because there is no way to do that at scale. If I've tied 200 services to my Windows-managed passkeys and now I want to switch to Linux, I have to manually go to each of the 200 services and ask them nicely to allow me to enroll a second key. This is simply unacceptable - and it's not like I could have done this ahead of time when I first signed up.

I've had a link to OnlyKey's user guide bookmarked for about a year[1]. They're an open hardware company that offers a key. Despite that I still can't be bothered to go through with it. The article we're talking about includes many of the reasons.

I feel bad for the author. They put a lot of their heart into something that could have been awesome.

[1] https://docs.onlykey.io/usersguide.html

Honestly platform-locking has so frequently and consistently been the intent of security-washing rhetoric and major breaches have become so commonplace that I now view "security" in the press to be a euphemism for lock-in first and foremost, with other usages being anachronistic or niche

Dont forget the euphemism "For your security" == "surveillance" -> EDR

KeepassXC says that it is adding (has added) passkey support. I haven't tested this yet, but if it works, that would avoid platform lock-in. Assuming, of course, that the platforms don't somehow intercept the passkey requests and refuse to allow KeepassXC to do its job.

The big tech companies (Google, Apple, MS) have all become evil.

> Assuming, of course, that the platforms don't somehow intercept the passkey requests and refuse to allow KeepassXC to do its job.

My understanding is the ability to do that is built directly into the spec with the attestation feature. The only thing that might slow it down is Apple choosing to not implement it and zero out their device string. Others can piggy back on that to protect themselves behind Apple's skirt, at least until Apple changes their stance anyway.

Platforms of course could just not allow Apple passkeys and only allow Apple users to use other 2FA options as well. Rest assured that small players like KeepassXC will be the first ones to have their passkeys blocked or not supported.

The whole thing is a trap IMO.

I've tried it and it works on GitHub. Sites seem to be hit-or-miss for now. Tip if you want to use it with the browser add-on, it needs to be manually enabled and you also need to remove any YubiKeys from the system because it will prioritize them over KeePassXC

I like that app but until they add in templates, it's a no go for me. They are discussing it though, so maybe a future thing.

You can always use passkeys like Yubikey or others which are much more multi-platform.

This isn't a viable option in practice, because Passkeys use "Resident Keys". This means the credential needs to be stored on the Yubikey - which has a limited number of key slots. Need to log in to more than 25 (I believe) websites? Tough luck!

It didn't have to be this way, but the hype train won over practical considerations: https://fy.blackhats.net.au/blog/2023-02-02-how-hype-will-tu...

Why couldn't a non-resident security key send it's public key as username? And the response contains the actual username and private key.

Privacy. The idea, IIRC, was to have separate identifying material for each site.

Because the security key doesn't store any public keys.

Basically, the security key stores a single symmetric key. It'll generate a public/private keypair on registration, encrypt it, and send it to the server. On authentication the server will return the keypair back to the security key, which decrypts it and uses the retrieved private key for authentication.

I'm curious as to why the number of slots is so small. Surely this is not some kind of fundamental limitation on what's possible (or cheap) with hardware?

Because yubikeys were designed long before passkeys become a thing. And hardware people love cutting cost to the bare bone to save one cent of $50 device.

That's the thing, though - did it save even one cent? How much more would it have cost to have 10x slots? 100x?

You could use YubiKey to unlock Bitwarden that can practically store unlimited keys

Yes, but that provides a significantly less secure experience. All the important cryptographic operations are done in a regular computer program rather than in a HSM, at that point why bother with the Yubikey at all?

Use a better token. YubiKey is the most popular one, not the best one by a long shot. My (cheaper) alternative supports 300 resident keys per each hardware key.

What do you use?

Webauthn, FIDO, etc. is run by a consortium of corporations whose goal is to be your sole identity provider and own your digital life. Nobody should have been hyped about this crap from day one.

What alternatives exist?

Wouldn't this be solved by just having multiple passkeys for each account?

You create one on your iPhone and another "backup" key from a desktop PC running some open source software. If your iPhone breaks you can always use the other.

Similar to a server configured to accept multiple different SSH keys.

There is a way around this. Password managers. I use 1Passwords and it acts as the vault for all my Passkeys. Can access them on all devices. Super happy with it.

Is there a way to export a passkey from 1P to use in a different manager? (Legitimately asking, I haven't tried passkeys yet due to portability concerns, and this would be good to know)

Not currently. Someone already did lots of research on this — https://community.bitwarden.com/t/passkey-portability/59177

There’s some hope for interoperability between password managers someday. There doesn’t seem to be agreement on how you can securely export, transfer and import today however.

nope, and that's (currently) by design! from a user perspective, passkeys are supposed to be impossible to duplicate. here are some workarounds:

- you can log into your 1password on multiple devices

- you can sign in by QR code, with the help of whichever phone has the passkey on it

- you can add multiple per-device passkeys to your accounts of interest (for example, log into github on desktop and then add a passkey for your desktop device for that github)

- you can keep all your passkeys on a hardware dongle

- you can set up and keep all your passkeys inside an open-source manager (e.g. KeePassXC)

For first-party systems, passkeys are supposed to be stored in hardware storage (TPM chips, secure enclave, etc). Once it's in the chip, the secret key's never coming out of those pins again (unless you're a nation state with a tunneling electron microscope and a very steady hand).

(The huge exception is iCloud Keychain and whatever Google's doing for passkey sync, but that's importing from account data into hardware storage, not exporting existing credentials from a user's existing device)

If you want portability, then you can use HW security keys that support passkeys.

Create a new passkey on the device? Or on the new device? I don't see why this is a big issue. Sure, it's slightly inconvenient to go through the 'create passkey' flow on a new device, but as long as the account you are using (let's say, GitHub) supports storing multiple passkeys per account and managing them online, there's no reason you can't.

For every single one of your 100+ accounts? What if you forget an account when doing so, then it's lost forever? If one of the 100+ websites is momentarily down I simply have to keep the old passkey provider around until it comes back up and then remember to switch just that one later?

Are you using every single one of the 100+ accounts constantly? No? Then you can do the passkey flow on demand as needed. It can be comparably simple as an email login or 'we emailed you an OTP' login confirmation flow. If you never get around to using the account ever again in your life, I suppose you never needed it?

If the website is momentarily down how are you going to access it with a password at that moment? You'd have to wait until it came back up. And then you could just as well set up the passkey.

I'm referring to the process of switching where my passkeys are stored to a different place. E.g. moving from them being stored by Apple to them being stored by Google or any other provider.

And I am talking about device-bound passkeys, not portable passkeys which can move around from provider to provider.

I think it is true that you can's export passkeys stored in Apple Keychain. However, the statement is false in two ways:

- Apple's iCloud Keychain syncs across devices

- Apple has APIs that allow third party apps to create and offer passkeys, presented as a first-class option in Apple's authentication system. I use this to sync my passkeys between my Mac, Windows PC, and iPhone.

How do you sync it to your Windows PC? Is it native Apple-Microsoft sync or does it require e.g. installing an Apple application?

I would also like to know how this is achieved.

Apple’s iCloud for Windows includes an iCloud Password app which allows accessing and managing your keychain stored passwords on Windows. They also have a browser extension for Chrome and Edge which does autofilling in those browsers on Windows. I haven’t used them in a long time so I don’t know if they have added passkey support to them yet.

How do you sync to an Android phone?

I don't sync anywhere because I don't use the Apple keychain for my passwords. No idea if there is a solution for Android but the original claim was syncing between your devices was only possible if you stayed strictly with the Apple ecosystem. This is not accurate since you can sync to Windows even if you can't sync to Android.

However the Windows sync is only possible due to Apple providing an app for use in Windows which suggests its still within the Apple ecosystem. Apple could on a whim decide to discontinue their app for Windows.

Or just use a third party app, such as 1Password and others, which syncs to everything, and is presented along side apple's stuff

Then you export from keychain and import into a different password manager.

I’ve read multiple times in this thread that you can’t export passkeys from Apple’s keychain.

Which makes it the same as every password manager except KeepassXC which the passkey community seems to be upset to allow exporting. So commiting to the Apple solution is no different than any other. Passwords are exportable.

No, you don't, because it's not possible. Passkeys are essentially designed to tie you into an ecosystem.


I had to turn off apple passwords/credit card autofill because it clashes with 1password - how donI enable the 1st class integration?

> - Apple's iCloud Keychain syncs across devices

...as long as you always keep buying apple.

I thought passkeys were shared across Apple keychain (like passwords?) so you make a passkey on iPhone your iPad can use it.

Yes, that's correct, they're stored in Keychain and shared using iCloud.

Ah, yes, poor choice of words on my part. They are in iCloud Keychain (I think this is required?). But if you only have one device it's basically the same thing, or if you're trying to leave the ecosystem.

Are they not private keys that shouldn't be synced across devices? I thought icloud facilitated automatic creation of passkeys for each device, not actually sharing the same passkey across devices?

That's the crux of one of the debates... members of the FIDO Consortium threatening KeePassXC and other open source tools with blocking for sharing "roaming keys", meanwhile "Oh, Apple wants to share keys via AirDrop? No problem", which is one of the concerns, that it's yet another "push users to Apple and Google's tool of choice".

There are two types of passkeys (1) resident, hardware-bound, non-copyable, installed on Yubikey etc., and (2) non-resident, copyable.

Technically, by not being copyable, a resident key isn't a "Passkey," but that's just terminology and it serves the same purpose as a passkey.

As I understood it, that's exactly the purpose and not an issue. You are supposed to create a new passkey on each device you have. The fact that they can roam around within e.g. the Apple ecosystem is just some added function that Apple offers.

If I first signup for a service on my iPhone, then want to login on a Linux desktop, for example, how would I login if the passkey is not on my system, and I can’t login on the desktop to say I’m me?

Maybe they sorted all this out so it “just works”, but there seems to be so many potential pitfalls, that I feel like I’d need to spend weeks researching stuff and testing edge cases before I could feel safe using it. No one is going to do that.

With a password, I know it works now, and it will work in 40 years. I don’t have that same kind of confidence with a passkey. Even if it’s great, if people don’t adopt it in mass, it will fade away and be removed, so how deep do I want to go? This isn’t something I want to be an early adopter on, at least not for anything I care about.

> If I first signup for a service on my iPhone, then want to login on a Linux desktop, for example, how would I login if the passkey is not on my system, and I can’t login on the desktop to say I’m me?

What's supposed to happen is when you tell the site you want to use a passkey and one is not available to your Linux desktop's browser you are shown a QR code that you can scan on your phone. The login will then take place via the phone using your passkey that is on the phone for that site.

If you want to test to see if your browser handles this right you can do so at <https://www.passkeys.io/>.

Once you are logged in with your passkey from you phone you should be able to go to your account settings on the site and somewhere in there find an option to add another passkey. You can then add a passkey generated by your Linux browser or your Linux password manager if you use a password manager that supports passkeys.

Some will object that this is not good enough because they might want to login to some desktop they have never logged in from before when they do not have their phone handy.

That's probably not as big a problem as they expect though because unless you are using passwords you have memorized the same problem applies to passwords. I've got over 400 accounts in my password manager, almost all with long random unique passwords. That means I'm not going to be logging in somewhere new to any of those sites unless I've got access to my password manager, which in practice means unless I've got my phone or tablet with me.

I have over 300 in my password manager, and I know there is no way for me to remember all do that, but when I travel I do like to have enough with me so if something happens I can get up and running again.

Once on vacation I shattered my phone. Only time that’s ever happened and I happens to be away from home. I was able to get a new phone at the local Apple Store, but the only reason I was able to get setup and running again was I happened to bring my iPad, by sheer dumb luck. Other than using it for 2FA to get my new phone setup, I didn’t use it at all.

In my most recent trip I brought my recovery key with me, and know my password for that 1 account. As long as I can get into that, I can get everything else setup from there. But I need someplace to start to make myself whole again. It seems like PassKeys make that more risky.

You get a link (or more commonly a QR code) that you open from the device on which you already have the passkey to grant access to the new device. Then you add the passkey for the new device.

FWIW I don't think that this makes passwords redundant in general, but with passkeys, password becomes a last-ditch safety valve to regain access to the account. Meaning that it can be generated, very long, and stored in a way that is optimized for safety and security over ease of access (like, say, an encrypted text file on multiple USB sticks stored in different physical locations).

> You get a link (or more commonly a QR code) that you open from the device on which you already have the passkey to grant access to the new device.

Because surely such devices never get stolen, or dropped from a cliff.

One big issue with this QR thing is that phone will need to talk via bluetooth to the PC. Like every PC comes equipped with bluetooth chip. Should be some kind of pin code instead.

No, it doesn't. There only communication is happening through the site. The site issues a challenge to the PC, the previously registered phone confirms to the site that the challenge is met, and from now on the site trusts the PC. The PC and the phone can be on different continents.

The problem though is that you have to do this for every single site you access. So if you have 100 log ins and are switching PC or phone, you'll have to do this same dance 100 times in the next period. And of course, if you're switching because you lost your one device that was registered this way...

That's not true. Phone and PC have to communicate via bluetooth.

Edit: everything I say below is not just wrong, but confidently wrong...

"Communicate over bluetooth" doesn't mean anything. What app or BT device would they be using? How would a PC communicate with a YubiKey over bluetooth?

I have no idea where you got this strange concept from, but registering multiple passkeys from multiple devices on the same account on a site requires no communication between the devices - it only requires a trusted device to approve the request.

That's how it works. You open Google Chrome on Linux, press "Log in with PassKey", scan QR with iPhone, then iPhone contacts Google Chrome via bluetooth to do its crypto magic (which doesn't work 50% of times) and may be it'll work.

No idea how Yubikey works, never used it.

Wow, I stand corrected, sorry. This seems entirely absurd, so much extra complexity is crazy.

... and that the FIDO Consortium threatens to block other, non-Apple/Google companies if they try to offer.

You are supposed to use multiple passkeys or you can use a password manager to store and sync your passkeys cross platform.

Your passkeys sync in iCloud they aren’t device bound, just platform bound. Passkey export import is being worked on.

Use a different factor of authentication and setup a new passkey?

Do you have to do this for every account? Like changing my password on every account?

yeah, I agree this is not a good experience

You can normally create multiple passkeys across different devices for the same login.

What about solokeys.com?

As I understand it the workflow would be: * get a new passkey * enroll the new passkey with all existing services * unenroll the old passkey with all existing services

That is certainly onerous for the "can my mom do this?" test. Like, I'm not even sure I want to deal with this myself and I have a Solo key (in a box).

Further, seems any service I'd want to protect with a passkey, is also a service that would be very difficult to lose access to, should I lose the passkey (or it fails). Therefore I need to enroll two passkeys with each service, to have one as a backup.

Uhh, OK. So now if I were to change passkey vendors/services - it's enroll two replacements, unenroll two? I haven't ever done this so maybe it's not as onerous as it sounds?

I use 1Password to manage passkeys. It’s pretty nice. They sync across my devices, I can erase one if I need to, and generally with the exception of something odd with Firefox and one website they just work.

Store your passkeys in BitWarden.

Because if you don't want to, it'll get in your way every time you try to use your actual passkey. Oh right, I forgot they added an option - now it just gets in your way every time you try to use your actual passkey on a new device.

I love Bitwarden but they still don’t support that on mobile phones.

I think it's very close to landing into the release version. I've seen people discuss it working in the testflight/beta release on iOS

You can't trust Yubico?

Bitwarden? Proton?

Go buy a Yubikey?

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