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Odd choice to host a collection of obviously copyrighted material - knowingly uploaded by non-copyright holders... I'm all for fan-created works, but this isn't that.

I don't see anything like that here. It's metadata like imdb, rather than links to the movies themselves.

It's a shame streaming sites don't support URL slugs with timestamps or other data in them, AFAIK.

It'd be really neat to be able to link to a specific scene halfway through an episode of a netflix show, like you can with youtube videos. Especially if it didn't mess with your watch history. They'd still authenticate users, so I doubt there'd be a rights issue.

I know that both BBC iPlayer and YouTube support timestamp links.

For example, BBC uses: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001ttrg/mandy-series-...

YouTube uses: https://youtu.be/PVemGumEEgo?t=13

ya, kinda a bummer. Users can add source streaming url in create/edit source form and users can upload whatever details they want in the description section of the create/edit scene form related to the scene.

[edit] : Atleast with scenestamps you can stop dragging and get to the correct timestamp of that scene.

Depending on the contract it may actually be a rights issue.

Not sure, some streaming services might have it.

I don't have amazon subscription, but if you have it you can check this out : https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/153zazr/commen...

Sounds like a job for a chrome extension!

Yep! you got it, I was looking for the timestamp when dwight fires kevin and toby, all I got was 'It happens in the finale episode bla bla...', some sites have dialogues, none of them covers the scene. That's what made me create scenestamps.

That's the first post : https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01htcv85pyskxxvgkx2kcmarc...

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