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Show HN: Scenestamps – A website for sharing movie scenes with timestamps
72 points by json_bourne_ 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 53 comments
Hello hackers,

I've launched a website specifically for sharing scenes, complete with descriptions and timestamps from various films and TV shows. I'm reaching out to gather your perspectives and recommendations in these domains to improve the site and extend my outreach.

Link : https://scenestamps.com

You are not required to register/login to browse the site.

Scenestamps Features:

1. Search : You can directly search for a scene or a source.

2. Upload Posts : You can register with your google account, login and start posting right away. Unlike other sites in this specific domain, users are allowed to upload posts.

There are two types of posts - scene - source

Source is a movie,tv show, documentary, etc... One source can have multiple scenes

While creating a scene post, source can be selected there.

Scene post will have the timestamp fields. There are two types of it: - single - one input field of timestamp in which the scene happens. - from-to - two input fields, from and to within which the scene takes place.

3. Share posts : Share feature is available on both source and scene posts, with which you can share the post to your favorite social media platforms

4. Tagging system : You can add tag to the scene posts. You can also get all the scenes that has that tag name by clicking on it.

I think people wanting to create scenes is quite a small audience, but I want to make this the best it can possibly be so please post any problems or suggestions in the replies or at reddit.com/scenestamps.com or message me x.com/gjpx_ if you prefer.

I launched something very similar ~5 years ago! The site is long gone, but there's some screenshots here: https://www.producthunt.com/products/spoiled-tv

Good luck! My goal was to be a sort of "Rap Genius" for movies and TV shows, but unfortunately, I couldn't really figure out the business angle, and my traffic was abysmal, so I had to shut it down. If you care to, you can see my old pitch deck here[1].

[1] https://dvt.name/secret/ucla/spoiled-deck-pitch.pdf

Hey dvt, saw your producthunt & pitch, wow. Traffic to my site before this post was like 10-15 per day, after this post yesterdat 179, today 302 and still going.... total crossed 1.1k

Only 10 registered users so far. One new user from this post I guess.

Would like to talk to you about this. My twitter : https://twitter.com/gjpx_

What's the timestamp relative to?

Depending on the origin, the same movie/episode may have different lengths for things like opening credits or "previously on ..." shorts

I was/am working on similar tech, and there are dozens of cuts when you cover every possible edit and release format (VHS, Betamax, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu-ray, streaming) and even the problems of 24/25/"30"fps causing creep.

It's solvable, it just requires more tagging and more data.

For now I've stuck with streaming links, but yes more data makes it easy.

timestamp related to how long the scene takes place.

Eg :Joker Stairs Dance: https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hv65eahhtfr58phx5keb1b1...

Timestamp :1:30:19 to 1:30:16

joker dance takes place between 1:30:19 to 1:30:16 in the movie.

I meant where do the timestamp begin? Depending on the definition of "begin" you may have issues with different editions of the same movie.

I.e. if in the same episode Netflix adds it's own logo and Amazon doesn't, then 00:01:35 will point to different scenes depending if you're watching Netflix vs Amazon

You're definitely correct. Not even only on different streaming services. Movies have different cuts too. For instance, Blade Runner has 5 different cuts

It has to be more than 5 cuts, even.

you can mention those in the descriptions and the data can be updated whenever you like.

Why is the 2nd timestamp seemingly before the first?

Fixed it! thank you for pointing it out, didn't realize that.

Joker Stairs Dance: https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hv65eahhtfr58phx5keb1b1...

Timestamp :1:30:19 to 1:31:39

joker stair dance takes place between (starting from elevator)1:30:19 to 1:31:39(running from the cops where the dance ends) in the movie.

I think you've missed the point of the question. For many movies, there isn't a single canonical version as different editions are released for different markets.

There is an input for sharing streaming link while creating source. You are not forced to share but, it depends whatever is the timestamp on the streaming link you share

Nice idea for a very niche audience.

I was wondering Since all movies have subtitles, can't this be done if you give gpt4/chatgpt the whole subtitles and ask it to identify identify the start and stop time in the above subtitles where "The President of the United States meets the X-Men, as they try to convince him to work together against the growing mutant threat". Just a thought.

It boggles my mind that someone hasn't used the entire corpus of https://frinkiac.com/ to write their own Simpsons episode with AI

A bunch of high school and college kids are using our TTS APIs to run 24/7 streams of improvised SpongeBob, Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, Breaking Bad (wat??), and more. This stuff is all over Twitch and YouTube streaming.

What are these improvised streams called generally? What’s the terminology to refer to them?

copyright infringement ;)

The world we're entering into will rapidly no longer need copyright. It'll be possible to create all of the inputs into, say, a Star Wars movie, in as little as a weekend.

cool project tangential question for the ML experts how hard is it to alter specific scenes with LLMs to say something different than the original script?

Next best thing?



Subtitles are not accurate all the time. Yes I think gpt can make sense of the dialogues, but what about a fight scene with no dialogue in-between?? Can it identify Who is saying what? I don't think gpt can do these things.

Personally I don't have money for gpt api, this site is being hosted on 1 year free DO credit of $200 which will end within 4-5 months(I'm not kidding).

Just a heads up, I'd recommend you to post this one again as a "Show HN:" with the url in the url field (links in text submissions are not clickable), this may get more traction than the current post.

tysm for the recommendation

Hey, why not allow adding of screen grab of the movie? I think thats fair use...

I personally would love a site like this where you can also search for cinematographically beautiful frames/scenes.

If nothing else, that significantly changes the backend scale required. You should trivially be able to host (show, timestamp, text) in a SQLite database for a very long time. Expanding to screen caps adds all sorts of complexity: legal rights, consistent resizing, CDNs, EXIF stripping, what if some joker uploads shots of pornography, etc

All of these things (except the legal part) are trivial. You don't need a cdn, just use s3 or blob storage and put the blob id in the cdn. If you really want, you can use a cdn for responsive images based on screen width.

will soon add a 'upload scene related images' on create/edit scene form if that's what you meant.

I really like that idea! That sort of skirts IP issues while giving the user better intuitive experience of the remembrance of the cinematic moment :)

PS Hate to be boogie, but I can see this as being a great driver for sales of the episodes/series themselves, i.e. "to watch the whole scene, purchase here"

Hey achillesheels, added the 'scene related images' feature. Now users can upload screenshots of the scene.

Great idea. Would it be possible to add links? That way people creating the timestamps could link to YouTube clips that contain the scene with the t= property. Perhaps link multiple.

Hey! updated to add scene related links to scenes while creating and editing it. Eg: https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hwk9g8fg1sfvredw5ayvd7w...

Nice! Thank you.

Cool. Does the post looks good. Do you find it useful?

Definitely useful. The post looks perfectly good. Just for aesthetics, it'd be nice if it said "video of scene" or something like that for the youtube links. (These could possibly be embeds, too.) Maybe have two link fields and then the Screenrant link could go in the second "related links" field.

Hey, added a 'scene related images' feature, where users can upload images/screenshots related to the scene while creating the scene. You can also view the images on the scene post.

Eg : - https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hx6g4asxryp0an0nax534jw... - https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01hx6fcqqkwae4cc79qhkft0v...


In case you've never registered, this how the form(s) looks like now: - create scene form: https://imgur.com/gallery/9aMxSyn

- edit scene form : https://imgur.com/gallery/QMgkOtp

I don't want to display based on link types(youtube,blog,etc...).For now I just want users to able to add scene related links of any type quickly.

Just add some scene related links.

Soon 'Add related links' for 'sources' will be added.

Yep, already there, I just removed it because it might be too much for users when they are creating form. The original forms included 'source related links' and 'scene related links'. Both for source and scenes where you can add multiple urls related to them.

This will be pushed later on.

The homepage has a lot of spoilers for recent TV shows (x-men 97) and recent films, so be careful browsing.

Username checks out.

I wonder is the timestamp canonical? I.e. will it vary based on what crap the streaming service might prefix it with or regional release differences?

These are based on quotes. There lot of websites that does the same thing.

Odd choice to host a collection of obviously copyrighted material - knowingly uploaded by non-copyright holders... I'm all for fan-created works, but this isn't that.

I don't see anything like that here. It's metadata like imdb, rather than links to the movies themselves.

It's a shame streaming sites don't support URL slugs with timestamps or other data in them, AFAIK.

It'd be really neat to be able to link to a specific scene halfway through an episode of a netflix show, like you can with youtube videos. Especially if it didn't mess with your watch history. They'd still authenticate users, so I doubt there'd be a rights issue.

I know that both BBC iPlayer and YouTube support timestamp links.

For example, BBC uses: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001ttrg/mandy-series-...

YouTube uses: https://youtu.be/PVemGumEEgo?t=13

ya, kinda a bummer. Users can add source streaming url in create/edit source form and users can upload whatever details they want in the description section of the create/edit scene form related to the scene.

[edit] : Atleast with scenestamps you can stop dragging and get to the correct timestamp of that scene.

Depending on the contract it may actually be a rights issue.

Not sure, some streaming services might have it.

I don't have amazon subscription, but if you have it you can check this out : https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/153zazr/commen...

Sounds like a job for a chrome extension!

Yep! you got it, I was looking for the timestamp when dwight fires kevin and toby, all I got was 'It happens in the finale episode bla bla...', some sites have dialogues, none of them covers the scene. That's what made me create scenestamps.

That's the first post : https://scenestamps.com/scenestamp/01htcv85pyskxxvgkx2kcmarc...

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