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Almost otoh, but fwiu: a Vape Pen with (which) cannabinoids may be a helpful immediate intervention for ischemic Stroke?

Smoking increases risk of stroke and heart attack (MI: Myocardial Infarction).

Cannabis [smoking?] is associated with heart disease and MI in some studies but that could be confounding e.g. preexisting hypertension and other lifestyle factors.

(This is relevant to cardiothoraic and geriatric medicine.)

Why don't I just sell AEDs here. AEDs are also a heart attack intervention. It looks like AEDs are about $800-$2000 USD.

AED: Automated External Defibrilator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_external_defibrillat...

You absolutely can buy AEDs for home use, and if you're high-risk it might even be a good idea.

The only reason it's not recommended more widely is cost (they also need regular maintenance) and likelihood of actually needing it making it a poor medical value for the general population.

(This is also predicated on having people around who are trained to use the AED. If you life alone or your family/roommates don't know how how to use it, it's useless.)

I thought the whole point was that you don’t need training? Most of them literally talk you through and and all the administration is computer controlled.

You don't strictly need training to use it, but training is still strongly recommended if you want to know how to use one effectively and have the best chance of survival.

At a minimum, you need to know how to perform CPR in between shocks (or if you don't have a shockable rhythm). Ideally, you should know how to perform good CPR. The higher end ones will coach you on performing CPR, but that's definitely not universal.

Not to mention you need to figure out pad placement, possibly shave someone's chest (if they're excessively hairy), and delegate calling 911 to someone.

When seconds count you don't want to be spending minutes figuring all this out.

BLS: Basic Life Support > Method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_life_support#Method :

> DRSABCD: Danger, Response, Send for help, Airway, Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation

"Drs. ABCD"

CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiopulmonary_resuscitation

CPR > Use of Devices > Defibrillators, Devices for timing CPR, Devices for assisting in manual CPR, Devices for providing automatic CPR (*), Mobile apps for providing CPR instructions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiopulmonary_resuscitation#...

/? CPR training: https://www.google.com/search?q=cpr+training &tbm=vid

/? AED CPR site:sba.gov https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Asba.gov+AED+CPR

SBA.gov blog > Review Your Workplace Safety Policies:

> Also, consider offering training for CPR to employees. Be sure to have an automatic external defibrillator (AED) on site and have employees trained on how to use it. The American Red Cross and various other organizations offer free or low-cost training.

I suspect we will be. They were virtually unheard of a decade ago (and I think the cost was closer to $10k then) but are now more or less standard kit in new commercial construction.

/? Is there a recommended placement for an AED wall cabinet within a facility? https://www.google.com/search?q=Is+there+a+recommended+place...

> How many AEDs should a facility have?

> When responding to someone who has suffered Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), immediate action is critical for saving lives. The sooner that bystanders treat the SCA victim with a defibrillation shock from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), the more likely that they will survive.

> According to [US OSHA], of the 350,000 people who die from SCA outside the hospital in the United States each year, 10,000 lives are lost in the workplace. By having defibrillators throughout offices and facilities, businesses are able to protect the lives of both their workforce and visitors.

  estimated_response_times[0] = time__to_walk_from_a_central_point * 2
ADA guidelines for AED placement: https://www.google.com/search?q=ada+guidelines+AED https://www.aedbrands.com/resources/implement/where-to-place... , AED Placement Guidelines [PDF] https://www.rescuetraininginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2... :

> [ height_min: 15" (38cm), max height: 48" (121cm) , max protrusion: 4" (10cm), side reach: 54" (137cm) ]

And also there are AED backpacks, which are probably easier to carry through hallways for 6 minutes (given a recommended maximum of 3 minutes each way)

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