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/? Is there a recommended placement for an AED wall cabinet within a facility? https://www.google.com/search?q=Is+there+a+recommended+place...

> How many AEDs should a facility have?

> When responding to someone who has suffered Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), immediate action is critical for saving lives. The sooner that bystanders treat the SCA victim with a defibrillation shock from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), the more likely that they will survive.

> According to [US OSHA], of the 350,000 people who die from SCA outside the hospital in the United States each year, 10,000 lives are lost in the workplace. By having defibrillators throughout offices and facilities, businesses are able to protect the lives of both their workforce and visitors.

  estimated_response_times[0] = time__to_walk_from_a_central_point * 2
ADA guidelines for AED placement: https://www.google.com/search?q=ada+guidelines+AED https://www.aedbrands.com/resources/implement/where-to-place... , AED Placement Guidelines [PDF] https://www.rescuetraininginstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2... :

> [ height_min: 15" (38cm), max height: 48" (121cm) , max protrusion: 4" (10cm), side reach: 54" (137cm) ]

And also there are AED backpacks, which are probably easier to carry through hallways for 6 minutes (given a recommended maximum of 3 minutes each way)

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