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What do you mean by "sensible"? Spotify has playlists, but most listeners simply don't bother. Plus, it's obviously convenient for the platform to actually control what you're going to listen to next, so obviously they'd rather emphasize the "magic" auto-queueing (which, tbh, kinda works well-enough).

Well to me, sensible would be where I can play an album, and then select a couple more albums to start playing in sequence after the first album.

Spotify's queue doesn't do that, at least on windows. Instead, playing the first album adds it to a queue but not the queue. Selecting more albums inserts them after the current track, not after the album. If I decide I want to remove the remaining tracks of the first album from the ghost queue and only listen to the queue I have to remove them one by one. And the most bonkers part, is when removing the last remaining track from the first album's ghost queue, Spotify replaces it with a different track from the first album! There's no way to remove the ghost queue.

The workaround is to simply not use the play button and only add albums to the queue by clicking into the ellipsis menu, but it's a bit of a kludge and not what I'd call sensible. Plus for some reason I always go for the green play button first, then decide later that I want to add a few more albums to the queue

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