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> This is not going mainstream until we have the killer apps for it.

Do apps really seem like a compelling enough thing these days? Really?

> Apple should really build a virtual workplace product and package that with the VP. WFHers like myself would jump on it.

Same question, really!? Like... what would you jump on? Why? What do you do that some hypothetical "killer app" would improve, and so much so that it would be pivotal in helping this thing go mainstream?

I work in a global team with people across every continent. It would be really great if we could all be in a room with few whiteboards and computer displays we can all look at when we feel like so just like we would in an office.

Chat and video calls are very different from that seamless office experience of walking over to a whiteboard with a smaller subgroup, returning to the computer of one of us to try it out, inviting someone else from the larger group to check it out while pointing at the screen and the whiteboard etc.

Not every day, not all day - but few hours for a hacking/bug fixing session would be super great.

And for that experience, you'd impose on everyone else the wearing of a 650 gram strap-on face computer? I don't want you as a co-worker.

What do you mean by impose? All of us would like it. It was the first thing we talked about when Apple announced the headset.

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