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In Singapore, there has been somewhat amusing news from the last few years of crows attacking people, often people who likely were abusive with the crows, as they are likely to remember people's faces. My wife and I have taken a different tact to dealing with crows who settle on our clothes rack outside our flat window. We wave at them and greet them and they sort of understand we mean them no harm and merely gawk with curiousity. I just wish they were intelligent enough so we could ask them not to stand on our clothes.

Mynas on the other hand can all die for all I care. I used to be an animal lover and generally am save for the Javan Mynas. They're an invasive species actually, and thus they are everywhere here to the point of overpopulation, and having had a number of fine pants ruined by their (literal) shit has made ne hate them with a passion.

> I just wish they were intelligent enough so we could ask them not to stand on our clothes.

Just because they don’t speak our language doesn’t mean they aren’t intelligent enough to understand. This seems like a case for basic training and positive reinforcement.

You can try setting up an alternative perch for them. Then when you see crows on that perch, go over and feed them something they like. But offer it only to those on the “right” perch, not the ones on the clotheslines. They should be quick to pick up the rule.

But you may start to get other crows coming over too, so unless you have dreams of becoming a Disney princess or Marvel villain, perhaps consult with a professional first.

> They should be quick to pick up the rule.

"If we go to the clothesline, the nice guy will give us something on the perch".

No, you never call them to the perch, you only feed them when they’re already there to begin with. The perch and clothesline may not even need to be right next to each other, depending on the situation.

This was my main deterrent with crows. Two knew they were doing something that annoyed me, I was considering to feed them grapes but I didn't want their friends coming.

I used to like watching Javan Mynas have their "street fights" when I lived in SG. The Mynas gather in a circle while 2 or 3 are fighting in the circle. The ones watching make all kinds of noise.

Get a PVC block to mount on top of the rack so they stand on it instead of on the clothes?

I softened my anti-Myna stance recently after I saw some of them devouring cockroaches that were escaping from the refuse shoot of an HDB.

9 years in Singapore, and I’ve never gotten Myna feces on my pants (nor anywhere else on my person)

you live in condo and have cleaner is it

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