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Interesting tool.

I’ll be honest it was very confusing at first, but I think I get it.

I’d work really hard on simplifying the instructions into a few Bulletpoints only , maybe even iterating on the idea.

In my opinion you literally have about 5 seconds tops to get an idea across to most users on the internet, people have no attention spans. For this reason most of my product demos are a gif of the tool under 10 seconds.

I knew I was looking at a time tracking tool but I couldn’t immediately tell what the numbers are meant to represent. Are they days of the month? Time? 24 hour time? I figured it out eventually.

But it’s too much to take in visually and may put people off and prevent people picking it up.

Why does the day only start at 6am/7/8? Why does it end at set times?

The colours of tasks should be autogenerated otherwise it’s hard to tell tasks apart visually.

The nautilus shape is cool, but is it a necessity? It does add some complexity to the tool visually.

Think it has potential. Site is not very mobile optimised though.

Keep up the good work!

Maybe an improvement I’d like to see could be to have the nautilus shift tasks every hour and keep the current hour block at the top of the nautilus?

So you would fix the current hour block at top of the nautilus, and everything before or after this hour block should be grayed out. Really pull the focus into one section of the nautilus. Then when the hour is up, shift everything along to the next section.

Therefore the user is visually drawn into “what do I need to do now?” And less visual attention is given to upcoming tasks, but they are still available to view, just slightly grayed out

Additionally I’d go even harder on the visual aspect and completely drop the textbox input.

Let the user click on the nautilus blocks and add tasks directly.

Click -> open dialog -> user writes task and chooses duration -> save

well, I see the direction you might want to take it to I find it absolutely abhorring to have to gone through 30 or so clicks just to enter my day. just leave my text input alone and let me type the stuff in. Screw your dialog boxes.

Oh, thank you! You have many great ideas, @purple-leafy. This public version stems from the Roam environment where the outliner solves many things for you. Here I am using just a simple edit window without additional functionalities now.

Thank you for your time and expertise. I will look into them and answer (or ask) here, later.

> In my opinion you literally have about 5 seconds tops to get an idea across to most users on the internet

In "Don't Make Me Think!" (great book about UI/UX), they compare designing websites to designing roadside billboards; you have approximately the same time to get your point across to the viewer.

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