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The wayback machine is pure nostalgia. Every time I go there I’m truly amazed at what it’s like to have a society wide memory that automatically captures these different moments of our lives.

Old pictures I never thought I’d ever see again. Landing pages for old companies I’ve built and only a handful of my closest friends remember. Blog posts from long deleted places, times, and mental caverns.

Just incredible.

I try donating every few months. Maybe $5-$10 each time.

Like yourself, I think it's an incredible resource and don't mind pitching in( when I can) to help keep it running.

Hope they can last the lawsuit that is still going on from what happened with that book thing.

Same here, I have them set as my charity through Amazon smile and humble bundle

Amazon Smile was shut down, unfortunately: https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/company-news/amazon-closing...

Reminds me of some reddit post with a link to some page with some local history, but all of the image links were broken. Within a few minutes I posted the link to Wayback and they were delighted because they happened to be archived there.

Well you got me excited to check out my first homepage but I guess I predate the WM. When did it start archiving?

Internet archive started making their own crawls in late 1996. I believe the oldest captures in the wayback machine are from data donated by alexa starting from January 1996 [1]

1: https://archive.org/details/alexacrawls?sort=-downloads&and%...

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