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What Does the National Weight Control Registry Tell Us About Weight Loss? (2019) (todaysdietitian.com)
3 points by paulpauper 16 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This is not enough to establish causality.

• Early risers. Nearly 8 in 10 participants eat breakfast every day, but while many observational studies show an association between breakfast eating and either weight loss or simply lower BMI, clinical studies haven’t found a causal connection8,9—and a 2016 study found that NWCR participants were more likely to be “morning types” and report better sleep quality and duration than control participants currently enrolled in a weight loss intervention.10 “I think increasingly we’ll find there’s a lot of reciprocal patterns,” Thomas says. “Having an early start to the day is connected to eating breakfast, which could help, and getting to the end of your day and feeling good about your choices could motivate you to continue your healthful choices and help you get to bed earlier.”

This can be explained by dieters skipping dinner or having early dinner and going to be hungry and hence hypoglycemic in the morning and craving food, hence early awakening and eating breakfast.

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