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That is simple. The board sets top level strategy goals. Could be AI at one point it was Mobile. Then groups fight for resources (money) in each silo who come up with projects that incorporate these strategic goals. If the goal is mobile, customer service department fights for phones for each cs agent. Sales wants all websites mobile friendly. It leads to internal tools team jumps in and makes internal tools mobile friendly (but no one using them has a mobile device). Much time/money is wasted but people get promoted, bonuses paid, jobs created because of these goals. Senior leaderships get to say we are more mobile than this company.

The entire top down strategy approach thing is a waste.

There was a time 8 years or so ago when Sundar declared each team needed an AI OKR. Every ambitious manager and team lead took it to heart and basically tried to wedge in some AI adjacent product feature to wedge into the product. That was not fun.

OKR: Objectives and Key Results

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