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There are so many high performance editors that are just lists of strings. It's evidently false they are not high performance.

From the article:

    If you really love strings, you might now
    be thinking "better than a string? easy:
    multiple strings." And you wouldn't be
    that far off! Some editors do represent
    text as an array-of-lines with each line
    being a string. VS Code's Monaco editor
    worked that way for quite a while, but an
    array of strings can still be plagued by
    the same problems as a single string.
    Excessive memory consumption and
    performance issues made the VS Code team
    look for something better.

Like what? Vim, Emacs, Helix, VSCode, Zed, Xi, Lapce, and Monaco all do not.

Kakoune does, and I found it (without extensions) to perform excellent even with multicursor.

Not saying that array of lines is more performant than ropes, but just adding a datapoint here.

What is Vim's internal data structure nowadays? I thought it was essentially a list (array) of strings.

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