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When you see someone advertise a tool to put in your containers to do something, why are you immediately thinking "no compile-time dependencies", rather than "no runtime dependencies"?

> When you see someone advertise a tool to put in your containers to do something...

The title claims "0 dependencies", not "0 runtime dependencies" nor "0 compile-time dependencies". In other words, the word dependencies - by itself - is encompassing both runtime and compile-time dependencies.

Think of reading the title at face-value - but as if someone else had written it, with no exposure to your project, its use-case, behaviour, etc. - before it was read.

Someone else did write it, and I didn't have any exposure to the project, use case, behaviour, etc, before I read it.

Ah, thought you were the OP. That's my bad.

The "dependencies" point still stands, though, in that the term - generally - encompasses both.

To be honest, I wanted to make the title more specific regarding dependencies but the title was already too big.

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