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A three month old account with a Zuck | Musk nom de guerre will always have edgelord opinions with more <X> .. just not a life.

That may be predictable, but I finally remembered to listen to Talking with the Taxman... and the YT algo decided I must be in the market for a Prada bag, so there still are some surprises in store, here under the sun.

EDIT: BTW, I think I finally figured out why the older bloke in the All Blacks shirt calls Ŋarritj "uncle". I had been confused because I thought Ŋarritj had been found as a fledgling, so chronologically he'd be younger. However, if the bloke were Dhuwa, and specifically Gamarraŋ, then his mother would be Yirritja, and specifically Ŋarritjan, so Ŋarritj would be her brother and his uncle. Do I have that right?

Maybe but not neccesarily by a long shot .. "Uncle" the english word used in any number of pidgin variation is a note of respect for an older man who isn't necc. a blood relative.

In various tongues there are more precise words for more complicated blood | marriage relations .. so "uncle" is mostly generic, but often will mean an elder from the same group, whether family or not (but likely).

Notable country wide uncles include https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archie_Roach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Charles

When someone says that if Ŋarritj spoke better yolŋu, he'd be a pollie, saying "vote for me vote for me" and "he'd be a number 3", is that a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_system_of_Australia#... ?

(only a 3? is that because, on the campaign trail, he would have been more likely to shred a stubby holder than scull a schooner?)

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