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There a whole bunch of features and fixes that each new version of the standard proclaimed, which severely affected usability, expressibility and convenience of the language. Describing many of them could easily take an hour. I'm sorry, I can only highlight a few of my particular favourites that I regularly use and let you study the rest changes.


- fixed constexpr, which in C++11 was basically unusable

- great improvements for metaprogramming, which made such gems as `boost::hana` possible, such as variable templates and generic lambdas.

- function return type deduction


- inline variables finally fixes the biggest pain of developing header-only libraries

- useful noexcept fix

- if constexpr + constexpr lambdas

- structured bindings

- guaranteed copy elision

- fold expressions

I'm at automotive where due to safety requirements we just barely started to work with C++17, so I don't have much practical experience of the standards past it, though I'm aware there are great updates too. Overall - C++11 is as horrible compared to C++17, as C++98 and roughly 03 were compared to ground breaking back then C++11. Personally, when I skim though job vacancies and see they are stuck at C++11, I pass it. Even C++14 makes me very sceptical, even though I used it really a lot. All due to new nice improvements of C++17.



Ok, I'll give you fold expressions and structured bindings as actually important language updates. The rest are mostly just tweaks that plug feature gaps which shouldn't have existed in the first place when the basic feature was introduced in C++11 or earlier.

IMHO by far most things which the C++ committee accepts as stdlib updates should actually be language changes (like for instance std::tuple, std::variant or std::range). Because as stdlib features those things make C++ code more and more unreadable compared to "proper" syntax sugar (Rust suffers from the exact same problem btw).

He missed concepts and modules which are also c++20 features, modules are just not properly supported (yet). Concepts are a massive QoL feature and modules might help with compile times.

> IMHO by far most things which the C++ committee accepts as stdlib updates should actually be language changes

From my experience thats not how the c++ committee works. They generally decompose requested features into the smallest building blocks and just include those in the language and let the rest be handled by the stdlib.

The thing that makes C++ unreadable in my opinion is template code and the fact that the namespace system sucks and just leads to unreadably long names (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(.....)).


You should probably tone done your speech, and lay off the patronizing attitude, no matter how well justified are your artguments.

Oh I followed the C++ standardization process quite closely for about 15 years up until around C++14 and still follow it from the sidelines (having mostly switched back to C since then), and I'm fully aware of the fact that C++ has designed itself into a complexity corner where it is very hard to add new language features (after all, C++ has added more new problems that had then to be fixed in later standards than it inherited from C in the first place).

I still think the C++ committee should mainly be concerned about the language instead of shoehorning stuff into the stdlib, even if fixing the language is the harder problem.

And I can't be alone in this frustration, otherwise Carbon, Circle and Herb Sutter's cppfront wouldn't have happened.

It's even worse than that, because even if a new proposal had no concerns from a language & library point of view, it can still be crippled by vendor concerns because of short-sighted, entirely unforced errors the vendors made, often decades prior.

It's part of why I don't believe the C++-compatible C++-successor languages will deliver on their promises nearly as well as they think. They only solve half of the problem, which is that their translation units don't have to accommodate legacy C++ syntax.

They still have to reproduce existing C++ semantics and ABIs, their types still have to satisfy C++ SFINAE and Concepts, etc. so they're bringing all of the semantic baggage no matter what new syntax they dress it in.

And anywhere they end up introducing new abstractions to try to enforce safety, those will be incompatible with C++ enough to require hand-crafted wrappers, just like we already do with Rust, only Rust is much further along its own maturity and adoption curve than those languages are.

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