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> The "async" system is optimized for someone who needs to run a very large web server,

Even there it's very problematic at scale unless you know what you're doing. async/await isn't zero cost, regardless of what people will tell you.

Absolutely. Async/await typically improves headroom (scalability) at the cost of latency and throughput. It may also make code easier to reason about.

I disagree with this, you're probably not paying much (if at all) in latency or throughput for better scaling.

What you're paying for with async/await is a state machine that describes the concurrent task, but that state machine can be incredibly wasteful in size due to the design of futures and the desugaring pass that converts async/await into the state machine.

That's why I said it's not "zero cost" in the loosest definition of the phrase - you can write a better implementation by hand.

That is true. Rust's async/await desugaring is still missing optimizations. I think that will be ironed out eventually. What mainly concerns me about async/await is that, even with Rust's best efforts, the baseline complexity will probably always be somewhat higher than for sync code. I will be pleased if the gap is minimized and people only need to reach for async when they want to. Right now, the latter isn't the case because of the "virality [of] function coloring".

Definitely makes code harder to reason about.

If you were to write the same code without using async you'd be trudging through a mess of callbacks and combinators. This is what writing futures code before 2018 was like. It was doable if you needed the perf but it sucked. Async is a huge improvement to readability and reasoning that we didn't have before.

No, actually that was just javascript. Programming environments with threading models don't have to live that way. Separate threads can communicate through channels and do quite well for themselves. See how it works is, you do something like let data = file.read(); and the it just sits there on that line until the read is done and then your data has the actual bytes in it and you just use them and go on with your life.

> you do something like let data = file.read(); and the it just sits there on that line until the read is done and then your data has the actual bytes in it and you just use them and go on with your life.

That's exactly how async/await works, except that it translates to state machines under the hood which gives you great performance. No need to mess with threading models, at all.

Yeah, Rust's async/await and lightweight threads are functionally very similar. Function coloring is a problem with async/awaitt, though (for now?).

Until you need cancellation

One rarely really needs that.

Maybe you are both right but your scales are orders of magnitude apart.

> at the cost of latency and throughput.

Compared to what?

Doing epoll manually?

A reactor has to move the pending task to some type of work queue. The task has to pulled off the work queue. The work queue is oblivious as to the priority of your tasks. Tasks aren't as expensive as context switching, but they aren't free either: e.g. likely to ruin CPU caches. Less code is fewer instructions is less time.

If you care enough, you generally should be able to outdo the reactor and state machines. Whether you should care enough is debatable.

The cache thing is a thing I think a lot of people with a more... naive... understanding of machine architecture don't clue into.

Even just synchronizing on an atomic can thrash branch prediction and L1 caches both, let alone working your way through a task queue and interrupting program flow to do so.

So yeah, you're thinking about the comparison between async/await and manual state machines management with epoll. But that's not what most people have in mind when you're saying async/await have performance impact, most of them would immediately think you're talking about the difference with threads.

If I'm not doing slow blocking I/O, I'm not doing epoll anyways.

But the moment somebody drops async into my codebase, yay, now I get to pay the cost.

Either you are doing slow IO (in some of your dependency) or you don't have anyone dropping async in your code though…

Threading, probably.

Async/await isn't related to threading (although many users and implementations confuse them); it's a way of transforming a function into a suspendable state machine.

Games need async/await for two main reasons:

- coding multi-frame logic in a straightforward way, which is when transforming a function into a suspendable state machine makes sense

- using more cores because you're CPU-bound, which is literally multithreading

Both cases can be covered by other approaches, though:

- submitting multi-frame logic as job parameters to a separate system (e.g., tweening)

- using data parallelism for CPU-intensive work

I know. But threading, and earlier processes, were less scalable but potentially faster ways of handling concurrent requests.

It's also much easier to reason about, since scheduling is no longer your problem and you can just write sequential code.

That's one way to see it. But the symmetric view is equally valid: async await is easier to reason about because you see were the block points are instead of having to guess which function is blocking or not.

In any case you aren't writing sequential code, it's still concurrent code, and there's a trade-off between the writing simplicity of writing it as if it was sequential code, and the reading simplicity of having things written down explicitly.

This “write-time vs read-time” trade of is everywhere in programming BTW, that's also the difference between error-as-return-values and exception, or between dynamic typing and static one for instance.

I don't think so, because there isn't a performance drawback compared to threads when using async. In fact there's literally nothing preventing you from using a thread per task as your future runtime and just blocking on `.await` (and implementing something like that is a common introduction to how async executors run under the hood so it's not particularly convoluted).

Sure there's no reason to do that, because non-blocking syscalls are just better, but you can…

> I don't think so, because there isn't a performance drawback compared to threads when using async.

There is. When you write async functions, they get split into state machines and units of non-blocking work which need to be added and taken from work queues. None of this has to happen if you just spawn an OS thread and tell it "execute this function". No state machine, no work queue. It's literally just another sequential program that can do blocking I/O independently of your main thread.

If you insist on implementing a thread-based solution in exactly he same way that an async solution would, then yes they'll both pay the price of the convoluted runtime. The point is, there's no need to do that.

Threading is compatible with async

"threading alone" as in a thread per request.

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