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The ones that don't give him moral injury for working at Amazon, presumably?

Please do assuming that the original poster is acting in bad faith. I have seen a lot of reporting about disfavored organizations, and it is often unfair. I do not know if this reporter has done a good job or not but I have seen a fair number of anti-Amazon articles which basically attack Amazon for being successful.

The other problem with the article is it does not point out some obvious problems Amazon has. First, Amazon is expensive, and people can and do go else ware. Second, Amazon's retail side is mediocre. Amazon's retail web page is basically a product search engine. Outside of search, Amazon does very little work to help people find products they are interested in. Amazon also does almost no curation. This is why it is often hard to distinguish between good non-fiction books and books which spread disinformation. Third, a lot of Amazon initiatives have failed. Examples include Alexa (a giant money pit), the Fire Phone, Amazon's video game division (over a billion and basically only produced 1 moderate hit), Prime Video (a mediocre streaming competitor), etc. I have also heard Amazon has been destroying Twitch.

My main point is, the article paints Amazon as an unstoppable machine when in fact it is very fallible. It does some great things (AWS), some good things (Kindle), some OK things, and sometimes some very bad things.

I was sure you were going to get to the counterfeit and substandard goods problem, but you cited plenty of things in your comment, so I'll just add it.

Amazon's retail market is absolutely lousy with counterfeit goods, as well as products blindly imported from China (usually) which don't meet the standards required by regulation for such goods. This regularly causes injury, especially due to electrical fires, and Amazon has not been held to account for any of these practices.

Try heading to a street corner and selling counterfeit products: it's a crime, you'll be charged accordingly. Amazon has gotten away with this for more than a decade.

Amazon’s search is terrible. They used to have Udi Manber, who literally wrote the book on Search, so it’s got to be deliberate.

That's not exactly the most generous interpretation of that comment.

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