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> to learn a whole new set of tools

The tools are how we find functionality that can be re-used and re-purposed to do what we need. A lot of exploring and reading existing stuff, less writing new stuff.

> Smalltalk files are not plain text but rather images (or something)

Mostly Smalltalk files are plain text files!

There's a plain text log file with a replayable record of what you've been doing. There's a sources file with the source code. There are plain text file outs and change sets.

There's the VM like the JVM — not a plain text file.

There's the image, a cache of byte code (like Java .class files, Python .pyc files) and application state — not a plain text file.

With a previous Pharo version:

    $ bin/pharo --headless Pharo10-SNAPSHOT-64bit-502addc.image hello.st
pharo is the VM.

Pharo10-SNAPSHOT-64bit-502addc.image is the image.

hello.st is a plain text file.

    $ cat hello.st
    Stdio stdout 
        nextPutAll: 'hello world'; 
        nextPut: Character lf.!
    SmalltalkImage current snapshot: false andQuit: true!

That's fine, I understand that a lot of my criticisms are arguably actually advantages, but after doing the MOOC about 8 years ago I just couldn't stick with it. Fun though, and a great way to really learn OOP at the time when I was just starting out programming.

That's fine, people have some strange ideas about Smalltalk, both +ve & -ve.

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