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Oh brilliant, I am sure our utterly fucking incompetent and inept security services having more data will lead to better outcomes.

choke Salman Abedi choke.

(for anyone not in the UK, he was already well known to the security services [MI5] and managed to kill 22 people in a suicide bombing)

OTOH, new mass surveillance in combination with optimistic use of new tech will lead to ruining thousands of innocent lives. It's as if they thought that the Horizon scandal was just a bit of bad publicity for a good idea.

If I had a buck for every time someone like that was "known to the authorities" I'd have quite a bit of money.

This is a pretty blatant power grab, rather than anything actually positive.

Instead of admitting blame failures are used to increase budgets.

The simple arguments of "we didn't have enough funding" or "we weren't allowed to collect more data" will be used. More tax payer money is then spent to cement power through mass surveillance and the cycle repeats.

It’s all about competence - it’s why a couple have of competent programmers can stand up and website/program/app for orders of magnitude less time and money than government or large corporate IT can. I’m sure the same is true in law enforcement / intelligence, more power/money is simply the crutch for the incompetent to be more productive

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