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It was a long time since I messed with things, but "net drives" something didn't work in FreeDOS a long time ago. This was useful, because it meant you could from within a PC emulator access your host file system. It's entirely possible that works on FreeDOS now.

This is almost completely unrelated to your comment, but it sparked a fun memory. At one point I had a system set up that would boot dos via ipxe with iscsi drives. I thought it was almost magical how dos had no clue it was using a network drive. I still don't know exactly how it worked. but I suspect ipxe was patching the bios.

DOS was pretty reliable about using BIOS interfaces for drives; if you imitate the BIOS interface it’ll just work.

The problems came from limitations of the BIOS interface (especially size)

Yup. Boot DOS off a USB key and it suddenly speaks USB. :-)

Only for drives, but still...

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