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M-x tutorial


C-h t

How fun it is probably varies by person, but I found it kind of enjoyable, also coming from vim. One of my favorite things emacs had that vim doesn't is a simple default bind to scroll the "other" window, good if working on two text files or if you have documentation open in the other one. I'm back on (neo)vim these days, but I learned a lot of neat stuff using both spacemacs and emacs with my own config, and they influenced my vim config later on. I have a bunch of custom binds using space as the leader key in vim now. Both duplicates of default binds like saving the file, and new macros/functions I use a lot (such as deleting the second line from two side-by-side files and saving both).

If you're into streams or stream recordings, watching Xah Lee can also be insightful. I learned about M-x describe-char from him and I consider it a killer feature. One of my very few neovim plugins I use is to get a similar thing outside of emacs. Nice for identifying emoji you can't see clearly (or want to know the shortcode for) or checking if some weird zero width stuff is in your text or if that colon or period is actually a unicode lookalike.

Thanks for the breadcrumbs, I’ll check out Xah Lee.

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