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Go to hospital to get it checked out right the way. Go to ER if needed.

Your body is desperately trying to tell you something. Listen to it.

I went to A&E (ER in the UK). They did two ECGs and said they thought I was ok. A month a go I discovered I'm borderline anemic (a consultant hematologist diagnosed this) but I've been told chest pain unrelated because that only happens with severe anemia. God knows what's wrong. I was sitting in my car, and it feels like a fist pushing into my chest.

Sounds like angina. You’re gonna want to get that more thoroughly evaluated. Stress test, blood work, echocardiogram, chest xray, etc…

I think you are probably right. (Or you a medic by any chance)

Edit, looking on NHS website, angina symptoms come on during exercise. This was happening while still.

Edit2: actually no, unstable angina can come on anytime

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