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Maybe I am naive. Help me out. My familiar languages are Go, Elixir, Python, Perl, Ruby, and some Javascript. I would have said all of these languages allow for abstractions that reduce lines of code.

What I don't want is abstractions that increase cognitive load.

The case presented in the article requires many mixed types in a list. The longer the list, the more you have to keep in your head. In Go, it is common to use table driven tests and you can get something like:

    cases := struct{
      wins int
      losses int
      is_eligible bool
      {23, 13, true},
      {34, 1, true},
      {3, 0, false},
Each case is abstracted and minimal. But it is very clear as you read that what each is because there are few items in the list. If it was a dozen properties, like in the post, you visually cannot parse that as fast. When the list of properties gets long, you are now mentally counting "ok, the 9th parameter is a float, oh, hm, the 9th param is showing an int... oh, I forgot the 7th param."

Abstractions should be clear and make understanding easier. With so many parameters, labeling them makes them clear. Abstractions are not just for reducing line count.

Where am I going wrong? What is the better alternative?

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