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I think you're exaggerating here. HN doesn't have a universal opinion about anything. Sure, there are people who have the attitude you describe (although it's rare that a single person has all of those stances), but there are also people who don't. HN commenters overall have pretty diverse opinions about those things, and for each one of them you can find commenters who are of the opposite opinion.

> HN doesn't have a universal opinion about anything.

That's a matter of perspective. I don't think a literal interpretation is useful. There will always be some troll promoting vile or insane things for attention (among other reasons). Functionally? The internet tends to ensure there is always some zeitgeist. Eg https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/28232.html

The world is a big pile of topics, including recent events and discoveries. Users don't see the most sacred cows or derided topics, because they are not promoted, flagged or otherwise down in the pile. This is common among most modern internet communities, as opposed to flat hierarchy formats like newsgroups.

> HN commenters overall have pretty diverse opinions about those things

I'm not as sure about that as you are, looking at another topic that's in the top 20 today - from https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39851564

* Snapchat has a long history of accusations regarding the damage to youth

* I have no love for social media companies, but as a citizen of Ontario this is also not what I want my tax dollars going towards.

* There's a lot more to be pissed off about, like the OTPP pissing away $95MM on FTX. (the closest thing to a defense, is whataboutism here)

* If you work for/with these platforms, you are the baddie

* Because no adult wants to provide ID to access normal websites with tracking tied unambiguously to their govt ID


[Edit] Not without irony, this Policing story was flagged.

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