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That's the reason why I chose to focus on Go instead of Rust after immersing myself in it for a while.

Rust invites you to aim for brevity and crafting smart solutions whenever you can. Don't get me wrong, sometimes this leads to beautiful code. It can be super satisfying to write. But there is only so much fun in reading yet another 10-step iterator method chain which works due some arcane edge case in the middle of it.

I vastly prefer reading dumb and obvious Go code. It's just easier to understand and to work with.

This is one of the reasons for why I prefer C over Rust for reference implementations. I look at the code and I understand it much better than the Rust version.

I think I agree with this. C is, if nothing else, very simple to read and understand (generally). For reference code, it seems like a good choice. I think you need a stronger argument to use C over any other language for something that is meant to be bullet proof or run in production though.

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