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So to continue our bikeshedding:

Hacker News has no shortage of resourceful people that can silently handle the issue by themselves (the first comment even said themselves that they could simply use Reader Mode!). But the main point of my reply is: look at the number of replies that focus on the style of the website, and compare that to the number of replies that focus on the point of the post/article.

This forum is primarily used by computer programmers... and I only saw one other comment chain critiquing the style. And I agree with them that the font size is far larger than you'd normally see for a body of text to the point that it's jarring. I don't have much experience with Go, so I can't comment much on the content, I'm just here to learn when it comes to the content. As far as I can tell they are vastly overcomplicating the concept of assigning variables.

There is no point to the article, though. Enums suck in every language that have them. There is good reason why many modern languages don’t have them at all, offering sum types instead. It doesn’t add anything to the conversation.

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