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This is a fairly unrealistic idea. Unfortunately, mistakes and incompetence really are the answer, partially brought about because Netanyahu has spent years appointing people based on loyalty rather than credentials, partly because Hamas is smart and "played" Israel, partly because humans sometimes make mistakes.

If there truly was this kind of conspiracy, far too many people would have known about it, and this would've been leaked. Even if Netanyahu wouldn't mind the death of a thousand of his citizens (and personally I don't think anything is beneath him), there is no one else who would be so stupid or evil.

Also, Netanyahu almost certainly lost most of his public support because of this. Even if he truly was cynical anything to do something like this for his own personal gain, almost no one thinks that this has gained him anything. He will almost certainly go down in history as the worst Israeli leader of all time.

Also also, Israel isn't wiping anyone off the map. If this was all a ploy to do that, why wouldn't it just do it? I'm fairly certain that three days after Hamas's invasion of Israel, Israel had far more leeway from the world to do what it wanted.

Bombing a million people to death gets different international response than bombing their infrastructure and then opps they starved to death, what a tragedy.

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