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Acetate Revisited: A Key Biomolecule at the Nexus of Metabolism, Epigenetics (frontiersin.org)
40 points by flipchart 73 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Why is this of particular interest? Frontiers are full of low-impact review articles.

From the article:

"...dietary acetate, and acetate supplementation can exert positive effects on human health."

So arguably the synthesis provided by this article and the conclusion are a great read for many laymen not directly involved in biosciences.

Dinking > Acetylaldehyde > Acetate, so this article confused me. Isn't acetate what renders imbibing Spirits toxic?

Acetate is the final step of the alcohol metabolism process before its turned into water and carbon dioxide so I would venture it is not the most toxic part of drinking because the goal of the liver is to turn unstable, harmful compounds in the body into more stable, water soluble by products.

I believe acetylaldehyde is the most toxic compound in that metabolic pathway.


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