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Show HN: Prompty, build games with GPT (early prototype) (web.app)
11 points by FredrikNoren 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Hey guys, I’ve been playing around with this prototype for a way to build games using GPT.

Some details:

- It’s an absolute hack right now; expect bugs and user unfriendliness. Also UI is not fixed for mobile yet (use desktop).

- It’s top-down, 2d. You view the world from above, and you can move around by clicking and dragging the world.

- It’s using gpt-4-turbo under the hood, and I’m outputting typescript code, which gpt will self-repair when there are type errors.

- Here’s a simple example game: https://prompty-58a21.web.app/dune/play

So far I’ve been quite impressed with what it can do (thanks to GPT of course), but would love to hear what others think!

It tells me it did something (added more players), but it has no visual representation of the action. Just a way too long prompt.

Hm yeah I can see your project; it looks like the players were created outside of the map. If you click-drag the map a bit you'll see them in the lower right corner.

I'll see if I can give it a better understanding of the size of the map.

Curious - how much does it cost you to host this sort of app(since we are not providing OpenAI keys)? Thanks.

Well, only a few people have tried it out so around $30 so far (haven't checked exactly how many but less than 30). The prompting is very unoptimized as well, so I'm sure it's possible to get that down.

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