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Simple Hacker News Using Flutter (web.app)
1 point by vakmanIn 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I like flutter but I've not seen it work on the web as good as a website. Scrolling is still painful.

I can't work out how to read the comments, not sure if that's implementated yet. Well-done though.

Thanks for the feedback, will look into scrolling issue. Comments are not implemented. It's in mind.

That'll be why I can't find it.

I really like the dart/flutter stack. If I'm writing a gui app that's what I reach for. On the flip side I browse the web with JavaScript off so I'm torn about using flutter on the web.

Pretty neat, I like how uncluttered it is compared to the regular site on mobile. Bit confused with the icons on top, I guess the first one is top stories and the star is trending?

Yes, icon represents top(recent top), best (upvote rank wise), recent (new posts) & bookmark list (To see saved bookmarks)

Simple HackerNews Webapp build using Flutter, where you can see 100 top, best & new stories from HackerNews. Also bookmark stories locally to revisit.

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