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Interesting. Did you see or hear him directly, or through third party reporting?

Do you have any priors that would lead you to that reaction, or were you neutral and open to what he was saying? I know a lot of people are hostile to crypto, so that I should see them reacting inherently negatively to anyone in the crypto space.

I watched him in an interview. I don't remember where, exactly. It was a while ago.

As near as I can tell, I had no prejudgement about him, other than my assumption was that he was a subject matter expert. My reaction to him was entirely about how he acted and spoke during the interview. It had nothing to do with the subject matter being discussed. His manner strongly resembles a personality type that I've encountered numerous times over the decades, and in most cases those people were extremely sketchy.

I think it's that he speaks and acts in a way that appears disingenuous and calculated to manipulate.

yeah, it could simply have to do with the topic of the interview as well. My first exposure was the Matt Levine, which I thought was really candid and basically laid all the card on the table, to the extent that Matt said at one point "I think of myself as like a fairly cynical person. And that was so much more cynical than how I would've described farming. You're just like, well, I'm in the Ponzi business and it's pretty good."

I didnt think he was being deceptive at all.

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