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Middle/Second row result is

8 flagfall "Flagfall, or flag fall, is a common Australian expression for a fixed start fee, especially in the taxi, haulage, railway, and toll road industries."

8 galagala "A name in the Philippine Islands of Dammara Philippinensis, a coniferous tree yielding dammar-resin."

Lower/Third Row: - None

There are no vowels on the bottom row. So no words. I've been typing at ~ 50wpm for 30 years, and I don't think I'd ever actually consciously recognized this fact about the bottom row.

(standard US keyboard layout)

For QWERTY, I found two nine-letter words using only the middle row: halakhahs and haggadahs.

And yeah, nothing in the bottom row other than acronyms and similar pseudo-words.

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