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I had spinal anaesthesia, which is painful, but not very much (however, it does involve a lot of those stupid conversations: don't move! how can I not move, you're sticking a needle in my back, I'll fucking flinch).

I've had many local anaesthesias and I don't remember any hurting more than they should, like any shot you get, except it lasts a few seconds and then it's just the weird pressure sensation as they keep pushing whatever the anaesthetic is in. I have two plates and probably 20 screws next to my knee that I should remove at some point, but I wanted to get this one out of the way... Were they bothering you, btw?

Anyway, surgery wasn't bad, they even gave me a nerve block that lasted 10 more hours, so about 8 hours of no pain. Now it's not so bad, except if I press on my Achilles' tendon (which they cut to extend it), which sucks, and walking is very hard since blood pools in the foot and it starts hurting after 5ish minutes.

All in all, it's painful, but with very low doses of tramadol (and huge of paracetamol), it's bearable.

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