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Not really worth the 2 days off work it would take (1 to learn the necessary law/rules/procedures, and one to actually attend court).... Although if I'm bored in the future I might.

I heard of a case where a person did this and won their claim in small claims court, the defendant (I think it was Verizon?) never showed up.

They got a default judgement, but still couldn't actually collect the amount owed.

So they ended up filing a foreclosure on the actual building - and it worked! The foreclosure went through, and the company almost lost their brick and mortar store.

Took years for the process, but it was nice to see that the courts can and will defend an individual. This all took place in TX IIRC.

If you're talking about this one: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/bank-america-florida-foreclo...

The threat was enough to fix the failed transaction. The manager was able to call someone and issue a check, rather than have their branch auctioned off.

I wonder how many employees/customers at that branch thought some serious FDIC stuff was going down and BoA was going to go into receivership.

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