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NRF7002 – Low-power, advanced security, seamless coexistence (nordicsemi.com)
49 points by extesy on Aug 20, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I appreciate Nordic leaving that bodge wire[1] in the photo, even though they didn't have to. The article's a little sparse on technical detail though.

[1] https://www.nordicsemi.com/-/media/Images/Products/Wi-Fi/nRF...

Hmm I don't see it in the picture. Either it's been updated, or my eyesight is getting pretty bad...

That's odd, it still works for me? Top left corner of the IC, above the dot indicating pin 1, there's a small enameled copper wire connecting one pin/pad of the IC to a nearby ceramic capacitor

you mean the 0 turn inductor? :P

Very excited to see Nordic jumping into iot/low power wifi. This ticks all the modern feature boxes, including wifi location positioning and wifi 6 ofdma.

It'll be interesting to see whether Espressif esp32 with 802.11ax (announced 18mo ago) or this ships first! Not a lotmof options for core wifi connectivity out there.

This one supports 5GHz! Will be interesting to see how many things will use this instead of something like a 8266 just in order to be able to connect to 5GHz routers.

Not familiar with these boards. Is the firmware locked? Or can you flash your own?

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