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Moodmap – Automated Mood Tracking (moodmap.app)
2 points by Hewlberno on Oct 15, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Hi everyone!

My names Michael and I created moodmap.

In 2019 I found out I have ADHD and ASD. I built a tool for myself in that process to help me keep track of my mental state and the effectiveness of my medication.

I am launching the alpha test of that same tool for other people to use tomorrow!

It harnesses a variety of AI tools, as well as user input of mood, substances and exercise.

On privacy,

I believe the key thing, to me, with these sorts of applications is the balance between needing data to create great tools and agency over peoples own data.

I want to enable users to own there own data, and for me to just use it if they let me (if that makes sense, sort of like a cypto wallet for health data).

I will be using https://forum.solidproject.org/ and a few other solutions in the next few weeks as a new backend towards this goal. Although still trying to understand the best way to do this!

Appreciate your time!


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