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Pharo 5.0 (the immersive, pure object oriented language and environment) is out (pharo.org)
17 points by estebanlor on May 12, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

There's a mooc that started last week about Pharo https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/inria/41010/session01/info

They use pharo 5. I have to admit it's a very peculiar experience. A bit Emacs on steroid in terms of dynamism and homogeneity.

They address French and English speakers in the reading material, not in the Videos IIRC.

videos have subtitles in English :)

Good point. I had to forget that important detail.

Just as interesting are their success stories:


Congratulation to the Pharo community !

Great! Congrats!

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