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Show HN: I wrote mangl – An Enhanced Manpage Viewer (github.com/zigalenarcic)
1 point by zigalenarcic 27 days ago | hide | past | favorite

I wrote mangl - an enhanced manpage viewer with a GUI and clickable links, manpage search, search on manpage, history etc. The motivation was to replace opening a manpage in the browser since I frequently look up functions during programming. The standard text based manpage viewer 'man' did not provide all the necessary features I wanted.

Currently the program is pretty feature complete and has been used on various linux distributions. For manpage interpretation it uses the mandoc library which comes from the OpenBSD project. For windowing an graphics I used GLFW and OpenGL.

Building is easy - described on github. Please try it if you're interested in such software. My goal is to get it accepted into a few linux distributions as a package. Thanks for your attention.

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