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Infini-Gram: Scaling unbounded n-gram language models to a trillion tokens (arxiv.org)
142 points by nsagent 35 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 58 comments

My current mental model of LLMs is that attention refines information from the input (e.g. "red balloon" becomes some vector that means red + balloon), and that the feed-forward layers are lossy compressed indexes into the training set.

From the paper, having a better n-gram index is giving as much perplexity improvement as a 10x increase in parameters. I wonder if it would make sense to train new foundation models with more attention heads and use infinigram in lieu of the feed-forward layer.

Attention just allows the model to attend to elements across the input sequence. The feed forward is what gives it (and basically all other architectures) its universal function abilities. The only reason why we don't use dense layers directly across the input sequence and instead go for things like convolution, recursion or transformers, is because that is prohibitively expensive computationally. But replacing the dense layer with n-grams would make LLMs exactly what so many people falsely believe them to be right now: Pure stochastic parrots instead of functions that can actually learn to generalize from examples.

Aren't human stochastic parrots in the end? I mean, when we "learn", don't we model our internal stochastic functions? Whether it is walking, learning a language, or anything else.

If I asked you what 5+3+9 is, then you wouldn't be allowed to calculate the intermediate values inside your head. Is it really that hard to believe that humans have internal thoughts and that they think before they speak? Is it really such a revelation that I have to remind you of it?

Creating a small group of bot 'personalities' that have an internal dialog, generating and sharing intermediate values before coming to a consensus and issuing a response to a user is trivial. I did it in my earliest experiments with GPT-3

You could use the same framework to generate an internal dialog for a bot.

A lot of people don't think before they speak. If you tell me you have a small conversation with yourself before each thing you say out loud during a conversation, I will have doubts. Quick wit and fast paced conversation do not leave time for any real internal narration, just "stream of consciousness".

There is a time for carefully choosing and reflecting on your words, surely, but there are many times staying in tune with a real time conversation takes precedence.

> Creating a small group of bot 'personalities' that have an internal dialog, generating and sharing intermediate values before coming to a consensus and issuing a response to a user is trivial. I did it in my earliest experiments with GPT-3

> You could use the same framework to generate an internal dialog for a bot.

We can, for sure. But will it works? Given my (admittedly limited) experience with feeding LLM-generated stuff back in the LLM, I'd suspect it may actually lower the output quality. But maybe fine-tuning for this specific work-case could be a solution to this problem, as I suspect the instruction-tuning to be a culprit in the poor behavior I've witnessed (the bots have been instruction-tuned to believe the human, and apologize if you tell them they've made mistakes for instance, even if they were right in the first place, so this blind trust is likely polluting the results).

Here is the rub; even when you "stop and think" it's still just a stream of consciousness. The internal decisions about what to say arise out of the same mental abyss as "stream of consciousness" thoughts.

If you pay attention, you can catch that it is all just an illusion.

You make it sound binary. We have a thought process ongoing at all times - sometimes we wait to respond for that process to accumulate more information, and sometimes we fire off right away, but the information processing engine is running in the background regardless.

Check out you.com genuius mode, it does internal dialogue of sorts, which you can open up and explore. The same is true for many "agent" based systems. It turns out giving LLMs the ability to talk through problems with themsleves massivly improves their abilities. Same as using chain of thought prompting.

No, that's absurdly reductive. You might as well say "aren't humans just calculators made of meat in the end?". If you append "in the end" to any analogy you'll find some people that are willing to stretch to fit the analogy because they like it.

Everything is entropy in the end.

If you've ever had a conversation with a toddler, they do sound a bit like stochastic parrots. It takes us a while to be able to talk coherently. The learning process in schools involves a lot of repetition. From learning the abc to mastering calculus.

Toddlers are just learning the building blocks of language. You could make the same statement about any new skill. However, at some point, most humans gain the ability to take two concepts they have heard about before and create a third concept that they have never encountered. You can also get that with artificial neural networks, but it is fundamentally impossible with n-grams.

> most humans gain the ability to take two concepts they have heard about before and create a third concept that they have never encountered.

You can ask LLMs to generate poems on any topic in the style of specific authors. That's a rudimentary version of what you're describing.

n-grams will be able to figure out

   4 + 5 = 9

   1729 is a taxicab number
if those phrases are in the database but not

   4 + 05 = 9

   5 + 4 = 9

   11 + 3 = 14

   48988659276962496 is a taxicab number
if those are not in the database.

There's at least one of these in every LLM critical thread.

No, because we are able to extrapolate from our experience. The ability to synthesize something coherent that doesn’t map directly into our training set is a major difference between human intelligence and what we call AI today.

Isn’t there an argument we’re simply better at brain statistics and modeling than current AI? Forget architectural limitations. What is the nature of the extrapolation? How do individuals balance their experiences and determine likely outcomes?

Maybe! But even so there’s facilities AI lack that are more capability based than model based. For instance we demonstrate agency, we can simulate things in our mind alone, such as arriving at Maxwells Equations, or general relativity, or any number of other profound insights that aren’t based on our training data but are an extrapolation through our mind into domains we’ve no experience with and arrive at profound insights never conceived of before. Statistical models generally aren’t able to do this - they’re reflections of their training set, even if very complex ones. The human mind can create its own training set and that’s a remarkable capability.

The overwhelming majority of human advancements is interpolation. Extrapolation is rare and we tend to only realize something was extrapolation after the fact.

Some achievement are very clearly extrapolation. Galois field theory, general relativity, Greens theorem, to name a few I’m familiar with. These are the leaps of extrapolation that change the world - but the human mind has capabilities LLM simple can’t - agency, facilities at speculative simulation of approximations (dreaming and imagination), random recall memory, among others. These aren’t woowoo magic human ideas they’re measurable and identifiable capabilities that by construction LLMs can’t have - even if they can approximate it in a compelling way. That doesn’t mean we can’t build something with these and other intelligence capabilities AI of today lack or that they aren’t profoundly useful. But they literally can’t do anything but “walk” their vector space - and nothing but their vector space.

"extrapolate from our experience" "synthesize something coherent"

These are non-scientific concepts. You are basically saying "humans are doing something more, but we can't really explain it".

That assumption is getting weaker by the day. Our entire existence is a single, linear, time sequence data set. Am I "extrapolating from my experience" when I decide to scratch my head? No, I got a sequential data point of an "itch" and my reward programming has learned to output "scratch".

Are you saying the discovery of relativity happened because Einstein was reacting to some reward / stimulus in his environment? Galois’ discoveries were a stochastic parrot regurgitating stimulus from his life?

There are known faculties humans have that LLMs especially do not, such as actual memory, the ability to simulate the world independently via the imagination and structured thought, as well as facilities we don’t really understand but AIs definitely don’t have which are the source of our fundamental agency. We are absolutely able to create thought and reasoning without direct stimulus or as a response to something in the environment - and it’s frankly bizarre a human being can believe they’ve never done something as a reaction to their internal state rather than extrinsic.

LLMs literally can not “do” anything that isn’t predicated on their training set. This means, more or less, they can only interpolate within their populated vector space. The emergent properties are astounding and they absolutely demonstrate what appears to be some form of pseudo abductive reasoning which is powerful. I think it’s probably the most important advance of computing in the last 30 years. But people have confused a remarkable capability for a human like capability, and have simultaneously missed the importance of the advance as well as inexplicably diminished the remarkable capabilities of the human mind. It’s possible with more research we will bridge the gaps, and I’m not appealing to magic of the soul here.

But the human mind has a remarkable ability to reason, synthesize, extrapolate beyond their experience, and those are all things LLMs fundamentally - from a rigorous mathematical basis - can not do and will never do alone. Any thing that bridges that will need an ensemble of AI and classical computing techniques - and maybe LLMs will be a core part of a part of something even more amazing. But we aren’t there yet and I’ve not seen a roadmap that takes us there.

Or all these properties are emergent from ever increasing compute. The underlying architecture doesn't need to fundamentally change. The roadmap is increasing compute. Agency is simply never ceasing input and resulting output, both internally and externally. Do you have Agency when you sleep? I still don't know what "extrapolate beyond their experience" means. Does Einstein discover relativity if he is never taught math? More to the point, why was he so brilliant in the first place. Why could he "extrapolate beyond their experience" better than others in his field?

We want AI to hoop jump something we don't even understand ourselves. The only empirical evidence we have is as we increase compute, the results get better.

I would note you absolutely have agency when you sleep - in fact a lot of the purpose of dreams is to simulate situations for you to practice in safely - that’s why you’re often replaying situations you’re worried about or things you commonly experience. Also lucid dreaming is still fully immersed dreaming but you have total agency and awareness. The key to lucid dreaming is just training yourself to not give up aware of the non dream reality control while dreaming.

A paper [1] we wrote in 2015 (cited by the authors) uses some more sophisticated data structures (compressed suffix trees) and Kneser–Ney smoothing to get the same "unlimited" context. I imagine with better smoothing and the same larger corpus sizes as the authors use this could improve on some of the results the authors provide.

Back then neural LMs were just beginning to emerge and we briefly experimented with using one of these unlimited N-gram models for pre-training but never got any results.

[1] https://aclanthology.org/D15-1288.pdf

The formulation of a succinct full text index as an "infinite n-gram model" is both genius in connecting with the ML literature, but also blind-eye, in that it ignores all the work on using exactly this data structure (well, the FM-index) over DNA. bwa mem is the OG ∞-gram aligner.

The idea is far older than BWA. The entire point of the Burrows-Wheeler transform is to create a compact order-k "language model" for every value of k simultaneously. And then use that for data compression.

David Wheeler reportedly had the idea in the early 80s, but he rejected it as impractical. Then he tried publishing it with Michael Burrows in the early 90s, but it was rejected from the Data Compression Conference. Algorithms researchers found the BWT more interesting than data compression researchers, especially after the discovery of the FM-index in 2000. There was a lot of theoretical work done in the 2000s, and the paper mentioned by GP cites some of that.

The primary application imagined for the FM-index was usually information retrieval, mostly due to the people involved. But some people considered using it for DNA sequences and started focusing on efficient construction and approximate pattern matching instead of better compression. And when sequencing technology advanced to the point where BWT-based aligners became relevant, a few of them were published almost simultaneously.

And if you ask Heng Li, he gives credit to Tak-Wah Lam: https://lh3.github.io/2024/04/12/where-did-bwa-come-from

A web interface for the Infini-gram engine can be found here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/liujch1998/infini-gram

What this shows, IMO, is that quite a lot of the expected output is almost literally present in the training data.

Phrases and ideas repeat, because the universe has patterns and structure.

But it also suggests that the neural networks are not the miracle as some proclaim. They get their knowledge from compressing a very large amount of text, but add little in terms of inference. Its success is then a function of its size, but that size cannot grow much. It also ties in with the idea that the current ANNs don't discriminate text, and repeat bad input as readily as anything else.

Compressing nearly all of human knowledge into a desktop PC that can converse in natural language and translate between languages is the miracle.

It's miraculous, but it's not nearly nearly all of human knowledge. Ask anything slightly specialist, and it'll give wrong answers. ChatGPT's translation is also not well developed. Llama doesn't have any, I believe.

I recently wrote a writeup on bigrams and the infinigram outputs[1]. I genuinely believe that ngrams are making a comeback. For query searching it's really good.

[1] https://snats.xyz/pages/articles/from_bigram_to_infinigram.h...

Would love to follow your blog but no rss

Perplexity results are impressive. I wonder, how does combined models perform on MMLU and other problem-solving benchmarks. It can be that this infini-gram method is exactly the thing that “hacks” perplexity without adding any “understanding” to the model.

P.S. They acknowledge this: “... our preliminary experiments show that such method might not be helpful, and even harmful, to open-ended text generation tasks. During generation, ∞-gram can make odd mistakes (e.g., predicting totally irrelevant tokens) which makes the model to digress. Thus this combined model is not ready to replace neural LMs. Additional investigation is required to make inf-gram best contribute to text generation.”

A few thoughts this brings to mind:

1) this reminds me of how I was thinking about “what if you tried to modify an n-gram model to incorporate a poor-man’s approximation of the copying heads found in transformer models? (one which is also based just on counting)”

2) What if you trained a model to, given a sequence of tokens, predict how many times that sequence of tokens appeared in the training set? And/or trained a model to, given a sequence of tokens, predict the length of longest suffix of it which appears in the training set. Could this be done in a way that gave a good approximation to the actual counts, while being substantially smaller? (Though, of course, this would fail to have the attribution property that they mentioned.)

3) It surprised me that they just always use the largest n such that there is a sample in the training set. My thought would have been to combine the different choices of n with some weighting.

Like, if you have one example in the training set of “a b c d”, and a million examples of “b c e”, and only one or two other examples of “b c d” other than the single instance of “a b c d”, does increasing the number of samples of “b c e” (which aren’t preceded by “a”) really give no weight towards “e” rather than “d” for the next token?

Some observations:

1) If we view N gram counts as observation counts, we can generalize Norman Megill's estimation of Bernouilli probabilities to manysided dice (as many sides as token alphabet):

(O+1)/(T+S) where O is the number of Occurences, T is the number of Trials and S is the Size of the alphabet or number of Sides.

Having 0 observations does not result in probability of 0.

2) Since the method allows for collecting occurences in the corpus, this could be used to provide alternative language models contexts in the corpus.

The paper does not cite [1], which describes prediction by partial match algorithm with unbounded context length.

[1] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2473004_Unbounded_L...

That is from 2003 and actually quite interesting. It shows, for example, that these models were applied to rather small texts, because of the presence of context with length of -1 (uniform distribution). When text is large the need for such context vanishes, but for small texts it can give an advantage.

I think this leaves we find that explore in language models regularized (or maybe augmented?) by a n-gram model: instead of predicing next token without any external knowledge, the n-gram predictions can be added to the softmax head as a “default” prediction. The language model’s job would then be to improve the accuracy on top of the n-gram prediction. This shifts some of the language model’s job to the n-gram predictor, which relies on traditional methods and not GPUs, saving a lot of computation.

EDIT: Oh so this thing takes 10TB disk space to keep an index while a LLM takes… 175GB (assuming GPT-3 in fp16). A huge resource requirement that cannot be ignored.

Somewhat off-topic, but has anyone tried training a random forest at LLM scale? Like an RF with millions of trees and billions of branches? My intuition says it could be much more efficient on CPUs, provided it works at all.

I'm working on it, but with a loss function that penalises hypernyms/hyponyms less than other kinds of mistakes. I'm vaguely optimistic that this is going to be more efficient.

Forest are good at classification but they cannot leverage pre-training on unclassified data.


You can cluster data using unsupervised random forests and then use these cluster indices as features.

Aren't LLMs a classification problem in a sense? "Given this text, classify it based on the next token" seems like a viable interpretation of the problem. Although there are a couple thousand or so classes, which might be a lot (but I know very little about this field).

I’ve been talking about this for years! It’s fully possible!

As I see it, this model will be able to predict “easy” to derive tokens but will no chance on “hard” tokens.

For example doing a sum of random numbers. If the token you are trying to predict is not in the training data, even if similar patterns exist, this model defaults to the Neural Model.

I guess then it is an aide to the neural model on filling the easy patterns.

Unfortunately, single digit millisecond is quite slow for n-gram language models.

Weighted Finite State Transducers are where they really shine; you tend to want to do massive parallel operations, and you want to do the without being bottle necked on memory access. I think these challenges make this framework challenging to adopt.

The hugging face demo site doesn't seem to work with any of the examples. It returns an error in every case.

This is a really cool paper, reminds me of the simple exercise Karpathy goes through in his NN vid series with a bigram predictor. Looks like in practice there’s still some grounding issues when attempting to use them for instruction-tuned applications, but clever direction to explore!

I can't help but want complex grammers for speech recognition :-). There really needs to be a hybrid between speech recognition grammar based commands and natural language for commands.

It's coming! CMUSphinx used to have something like this, and there are some [1] solutions [2] on the horizon.

[1]: https://github.com/alphacep/vosk-api/issues/55

[2]: https://github.com/outlines-dev/outlines?tab=readme-ov-file#...

> It's coming! CMUSphinx used to have something like this, and there are some [1] solutions [2] on the horizon. > > [1]: https://github.com/alphacep/vosk-api/issues/55 > > [2]: https://github.com/outlines-dev/outlines?tab=readme-ov-file#...

It's interesting as speech recognition has become more popular than ever through services like Alexa, and other iot devices support for OS speech recognition has very little development. Don't get me started with accessibility apis either...

Unfortunately most implementations (especially those that are iot focused) don't have very important features for robust speech recognition.

1. Ability to enable and disable a grammar

2. Modify grammars while the engine is loaded

3. Scoped grammars that are context-specific

4. Recognition callbacks

5. Multiple grammars active simultaneously.

Unfortunately I don't think vosk api will ever support those features. I know there's a few PRs that address a few of those points but have not been merged for years.

Given the criteria above there's very little open source that allows for complex grammars that's easy to run for an end user locally.

Is this sort of like Dissociated Press in Emacs?

Could be used to dedup training data.

TL;DR we've trained n-gram model implemented in a form of suffix array on very large data set, it shows good perplexity

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