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You can be diagnose with ADHD for any number of circumstances, the ADHD diagnosis is not based on a specific cause, only on specific symptoms, it doesn't matter where the symptoms come from exactly (circumstance? nutrition? neurodivergent in the wrong environment? etc).

I feel the same way you do. Something else to take into account:

A lot of people are just mediocre at explaining themselves. This is fine because sometimes the information they have is good, the medium of communication is shabby, but we can still do an extended effort and look past the medium in order to get to the information. The point being, if someone is really adept at communication then you might find yourself focusing on really complex topics with ease, because it is engaging and nicely laid out. OTOH if I hand you an IKEA manual to build a simple vase but the scribbles are tiny and confusing, you will be like "Woah this is so difficult to pay attention to!".

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