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>Are there? You could have a class decorator to mark a definition as incomplete and only allow member functions, types and constant definitions:

C++ already has a way to do this via inheritance, even multiple inheritance. I suppose some of the same machinery used for inheritance could be repurposed for partial class definitions but it is unnecessary.

Edit: I think I overlooked something here at first glance. Yes it might be nice to have a public partial definition of a class and a private full definition. But the technical reason you can't have this is that using a class in C++ requires knowing its memory characteristics. If that information does not come from the code, then it must come from somewhere else like a binary. Maybe the partial definition could be shorthand for "use PIMPL" but I haven't thought through all the ways it could go wrong, such as with inheritance.

>edit: there are also very good reasons to fwd declare templates. You might want to add support in your interface for an std template without imposing it to all users of your header. In most companies I have worked, we had technically illegal fwd headers for standard templates.

I have never seen illegal forward declaration headers. Not at any company I've worked at, nor in any open-source project. I don't think there is a reasonable value proposition to doing that. What kind of speedup are you expecting from that?

>You might want to add support in your interface for an std template without imposing it to all users of your header.

This sounds good in theory but in practice, most interfaces I've seen use the same handful of types or std headers, so it can't be avoided and furthermore you'd be forcing everyone to bring their own std headers every time (and probably forget why they ever included them in their own code, in the first place). You'd be talking about a lot of trouble to maybe save one simple include, and introducing a lot of potential for unused and noisy includes elsewhere.

Yes, that's why I used the 'incomplete' keyword. Of course you can only pass around pointers and references to incomplete classes (although there might be ways around that).

Base classes almost work, but you either need all your functions to be virtual or you need to play nasty casts in your member functions.

re std fwds, typically the forwarding is needed when specializing traits while metaprogramming.

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