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> We, as a society, have absolutely no reason to be obese. Yet, we choose to ignore the root of the problem

This applies to lots of conditions, right? I mean, society has absolutely no reason to have HIV. Just wear condoms and/or be obstinate. Easy peasy, right?

Fortunately, we have medication to treat and prevent HIV. Quite expensive, but they save lives.

> be obstinate

I don't think obstinance only works. Being a curmudgeon doesn't prevent one from having unprotected sex. :)

And I say this as someone who just says no to everything ;)

We should rejoice that medications have been developed to cure otherwise incurable diseases. But this does not apply to the current case.

When 50% of your population is obese, and a further 33% is overweight, you have a major health crisis at play. And maybe, instead of trying to find better ways of soaking up the leaking water, we should focus on fixing the leak, not matter how great the cleaning products are that are being sold to us.

We've heavily regulated cigarettes, we've heavily regulated (some) life-threatening chemicals, it's time to focus on the rubbish being sold to us as food, and it's time to educate our populations without being too soft on the sensibilities of some, or too lenient towards the commercial interests of others.

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