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Show HN: React Bricks, The only headless CMS with true Visual Editing (reactbricks.com)
30 points by dsalinasgardon 14 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 20 comments
Just released React Bricks' new, revamped website and wanted to show it to the community.

Turn your React components into visual editing blocks. Make marketers autonomous. Keep the design system safe.

"The only headless CMS with true Visual Editing." is a very, very bold statement.


React Bricks is the only visual headless with inline visual editing. You are not editing text in a sidebar and viewing the preview on the page content. You directly write over text / click on images as you would do in a word processor.

And builder doesn’t force you to use the steaming pile of comically bad abstractions that is React!


Funny, given how builder.io is made with React and Next.js.

Yes, the bad thing is the popular thing in this space. That is indeed its primary (arguably negative) positive quality.

Maybe you can add more info to explain what stack you use, how you solved some problems, etc. In its current state, with this ridiculous headline, this post is just an ad.

HackerNews isn't the best place to boast, even more if you don't have a solid product to back it.

Payload CMS is open source and also have true visual editing as many other projects recommended in this thread. Also the pagespeed diagnostic is terrible.

If it's visual, is it headless?

It's a “headless” CMS because content is saved as JSON on APIs. Think of each page's content as an array of blocks, each with its own ID, Type, and Props.

It's also “visual” because the React Bricks library (used on the frontend project - Next.js, Remix or Gatsby), matches your bricks (the visual editable components) with the JSON content, to render the website and make it visually editable in the admin interface.

On my phone I can't tell the difference between "basic" and "scale up", other than pricing (which is a big difference)

Yes, the pricing table is quite complex and not perfect on mobile, yet. Essentially the difference is the number of pages (40/200), of users (4/8), locales (2/5) and features like Real-time collaboration and Scheduled publishing.

Looks interesting. But not having the option to self host is extremely disappointing, and will keep me from trying it. I understand, money has to be made, but the free limitations, are insanely tightly scoped IMHO. And the next step up, is huge in pricing.

Self hosted option? I'm sure that would drive people to adopt the likely great tech behind this.

> Self hosted option? I'm sure that would drive people to adopt the likely great tech behind this.

It's a pretty compelling product. At my org we have a ton of components that we'd need to "brickify" to make them available in the editor. It's hard to justify the integration and maintenance effort with a SaaS. And hard give up the core of publishing to a 3rd party.

Pricing is just out of whack regardless. Definitely a need for these tools but community adoption is pretty important.

Payload CMS is the self hosted option

Hi everybody, Matteo here, co-founder of React Bricks. Please, let us know what you think about the new website! :)

It’s slow, inaccessible and looks awesome.


Well... I wish you to have all your sites with these scores: https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-www-reactbricks-com...

96 96 100 100 on Mobile

I see it as having a 100 for performance on desktop and 80 on mobile. Is that bad?

I would have expected at least 20 locales available by the basic tier, with a globalised world just 2 languages isn't interesting in places like EU

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