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Looks like the only thing it has in common with KSP is that there are rockets..? KSP takes place in a fantasy universe with relaxed physics (smaller planets) and focuses on building and flying your own stuff. This is a realistic sim (like Orbiter) where you fly real-life spaceships in a real universe.

For the sake of your mental health, if there is one thing you learn from your time on the internet, it should be to never, ever, ever argue with KSP fans. Not only will you lose, you will get dogpiled and you will not be allowed out from under that dogpile until you either fully recant or suffocate.

I probably should’ve specified, the mission aspect feels a lot like KSP. In both games, you complete missions, level up astronauts, and use those better astronauts to complete missions (at least in the campaign mode.)

Yeah Reentry it's nothing like KSP. It's like comparing Mario Kart (KSP) to Project Cars (Reentry) :D

... to a proper car simulator internal to manufacturer (KSP loaded up with mods).

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