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(silly answer) use Visual C++. I've been coding across MacOS, Linux, and Windows 11, with roughly comparable machines in a lot of ways (all Intel). Visual C++ while awkward for compatibility - is very very fast for builds, and not bad for IDE interface for rapid fixes.

More serious - I moved to CMake presets and with that came a lot of cache optimization - including parallel builds. MacOS is now almost as fast as Windows for build, and Linux/gcc not far behind. Windows C++ seems to have the lowest modern feature compatibility, followed by MacOS/Clang, with Linux/recent GCC being the most complex. A lot of the newer features seem to add a lot to the build time..

... mind I've been working with C++ only for the last few months, and C for many years before, so consider it a beginner post in a lot of ways. Still, it was interesting to explore, and I'll be continuing to explore - I haven't yet enabled ccache for instance which I suspect will improve a lot.

My experience is the exact opposite. Moving a multimillion line C++ code base from msbuild to CMake/ninja on Windows cut the build time in half.

Chrome got even better speedups I believe by building with clang/ninja on Windows.

Bazel is where the real benefits lie by reusing other people's (or CI machine's) partial build artifacts via a centralized cache and by avoiding to run tests that are not affected by code changes.

How does bazel work with cmake builds?

Seems it has the necessary integration points to run CMake builds as an external command. The same way you could build Make, Autotools, Meson or Bazel projects from CMake with the necessary external command plumbings.

Obviously both fille the same purpose of being a build system, though Bazel is also a build executor not just a generator. Integration would mean either adding BUILD language support to CMake or vice-versa, but you wouldn't get the particular benefits of either this way.

Haven't used MSVC in a long while, but at last place where we were doing multi compiler builds, MSVC was always slower by far.

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